Tuesday, April 7, 2009


女優。けど、今回、アルバム「hellcat」で本格歌集デビューすることになった。正直言って、ビミョー? sorry, but i've never really liked her to begin with. i listened to her songs and.... eh. 何か、第2の安室奈美恵目指してるみたい。but not really pulling it off. みたいな?(笑)
i've heard a total of 3 songs and they all sound pretty similar. 変わり映えしない。しかも、全曲英語のタイトルなのに英語ヘタクソ。 it sounds really bad, even for a japanese. whatever. i think it would be better for her to stick with acting.

Currently listening to: Bad girl - 黒木メイサ

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