Sunday, November 16, 2008


as a citizen of los angeles, i have been to downtown/little tokyo a couple of times. however, this weekend was a little different. there were many streets cut off and lots of traffic. めちゃめちゃ大変だった。しかも理由が分からない。and then, i found out that there was a protest against prop8 going on. oh how i wanted to join. lol

so this day was the first day that i saw SWAT in real life. ドラマなら何回か見たことあるけど、ナマモノは初めて。いわゆる初体験です。:) 結構かっこよかったです

on a side note, the sky was really funky this weekend because of those raging fires. what was even more crazy was the sun. 赤かったり、めっちゃオレンジだったり。キレイだった。too bad there were a ton of homes ravaged as a result of those fires. anyways, below are a couple photos taken on saturday evening.

currently listening to: 桜坂 - 福山雅治

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