Tuesday, October 14, 2008


are scaryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. like really. and we had a big one on our veranda a couple days ago. (Thursday, i think) it was creepy... 結構大きかった~。キモい~~~。(笑)ちなみに言うと、下の写真がそうです。pretty crazy, huh? i kinda like it. except for the spider part....

man, when my roomie tried to kill it with a rubber band, the thing got stuck on the spiders web. it was just dangling. it was pretty funny. picture below~~

すごくない?切れないって皆大騒ぎ。そこそこ楽しかった♪ :) but man, the guys were such wimps and wouldn't go and kill the damn spider so we had to get someone to come help us. lame.... lol. such big wussies. 男らしくやれ!って感じ。(笑)

so the roomie and i made curry tonight. it was so good~~. haha. 本当にめっちゃうまかった。満足満足。

now i need to go back to the crapload of reading that i need to get down. -_- gah! i hate that damn reading!! college is seriously way too much reading.. must go suffer now.

currently listening to: 最愛 - KOH+

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