Saturday, October 4, 2008


マジで。i still can't believe i've already started my third year of college. i feel like i just started college a couple of months ago. this can't be happening. i still have no clue what i want to do with my life.

マジヤバい。もうそろそろ決めないと。といわれても、どうしたらいいか分からん。とりあえず、intern するべきなのか?多分、そうだよね。でも、見つけるの大変そう。。。いいのは競争率高いだろうし。plus, i really don't have the time, much less the means of transportation. i guess you could take the bus... but still, it seems to be so much of a hassle. and i really don't know what i want to do. 就職できなかったらどうしよう...ヤだなぁ~。

it's freaking october already!! dang it. life is swishing by so fast. i still feel like i haven't lived the 'college experience' yet. maybe it's because i'm so anti-social. lol. sad me... ま、でも、それなりに楽しんでるけどね。でも、友達が作れない。だって、何話していいか分からんもん。i was talking about this with a roommate of mine. we were both saying how you can make friends in class, but once that class is over, your friendship is pretty much over too. sad... maybe, instead of 'friendship', 'acquaintance' would be a better suited word. lol. but yea. i need to be a litte more outgoing. i don't think that's possible. plus, i already LOVE the friends i have right now anyways. them, and my AWESOME BF!! <3>

currently listening to: Disturbia - Rihanna

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