Wednesday, October 15, 2008


めちゃくちゃ。本当に腹立つ。if you are using a pressure washer to wash your damn car, i don't think that's the best time to call someone. you can't hear a damn thing. and then, to just hang up. how rude is that? even though the other person on the other end of the line is asking for what you just said, you can't hear them so you just hang up. well of course you can't hear them. you're using a damn pressure washer. だから相手も聞こえないんだっつぅの。

GAH! so annoying. and then, you go and say 'geez'. I HATE THAT WORD. (is it even a word?) 何かすごいめんどくさそうな感じがしてくる。like, 'how many times do i have to tell you?' type thing. well sorry! i couldn't hear you the first time around. because, you know, the damn pressure washer was so loud.

ほんと腹立つ。it doesn't help that i'm pmsing as well. -_- beware guys, don't do anything that might even annoy your significant other a little bit when she's on her period. she'll bite your head off.

currently listening to: KISSして - KOH+

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