Friday, August 22, 2008

World of Warcraft

it is currently 8:30 a.m. and i am tired as hell... =_=
why? you may ask. well.... i was up pretty late playing World of Warcraft.

i'm sure everyone has at least heard of this game at least once in their lifetime. so, yesterday, at about 11 p.m. the bf sends me an invite to plat WoW for 10 days for free. and after creating an account and such, we start playing. it was a bit confusing at first but it doesn't seem that bad. for now. but i also don't see what's so great about it... maybe you can tell me. for now, i'll just try the thing until the 10 days are up and see what happens. hopefully, i'll come to see the beauty of it all by then so the bf can feel proud of himself. :P

for the time being, i am just excited about getting a new camera and going to las vegas!!! :)

oh, and on the way to work today, i saw a brand new car parked on the street that was pelted with ice cream. poor car :( couldn't get a picture, which is why i want a camera. but yes, i still can't believe people can be so mean... if that were my car, i would hunt those bastards that did it down and, and, .... tickle them till they cry or something. :P

might post something later today, but for now, bai bai :)

currently listening to: she will be loved - Maroon5

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