Saturday, August 30, 2008


カラオケに行きたい。行きたい行きたい行きたい。but i can't seem to find the time. the only person i feel comfortable enough to go with is my bf. and he has been working a lot lately so i can't seem to go... でも、めちゃめちゃ行きたい。*sigh*

アメリカのカラオケって結構高い。日本の方が断然安いらしい。羨ましいですね。it would be nice if they considered the poor college students. it's really hard to afford such a luxury and hard to go to their happy hour. 悲しいですね。

hopefully, i can go soon. i need to have some FUN! and it would be a nice thing to do with the bf. and maybe with a certain someone else as well. it was a lot of fun when we went with just the three of us. また皆で行こうぜ!楽しみ~。


currently listening to: 愛唄 - GReeeeN

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