Friday, January 13, 2012

San Antonio Winery

so, there is a "winery" right in the middle of los angeles. well, they sell a bunch of different wines plus they have their own brand of wines, but the field isn't there, for obvious reasons... でも、一応ワイナリーなんだって。

で、一昨日、家族と仕事が終わってから、訪問してみました。it's a winery/restaurant. 正直、結構ダウンタウンのghetto areaにあるから、あんま期待してなかったんだけど、思いのほか、キレイでしたね。so, they let us try some of their wines. they have their own brand, San Antonio, and they carry other ones as well, one major one being Stella Rosa. i tried a couple San Antonio wines. 赤、白、ロゼ。ロゼお気に入りです。結構どれもさっぱりしておいしかったです。ワイン独特の臭みもあんまり無く、すんなり飲める感じ。i also tried the Stella Rosa rosso and moscato. the rosso was almost like juice. not bad. the moscato was a bit too rough for me. i like my wines a lot more smooth.

we ended up buying 4 bottles of wine. came out to a bit over $30. 4本買った割には安いよね?お買い得でした。飲むのが楽しみ~。

Currently listening to: Love Story - 安室奈美恵

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