Friday, January 20, 2012


i found this book at work. it's about Joe Montana, the only Japanese American to ever make it in the mafia. なんか、面白そうでしょ?だから、読んでみました。plus, i'm really into non fiction and crime related stuff, so it was totally fit for me. :)

結論:結構読みやすくて面白かったです。although it does feel like a bunch of fiction was mixed in, making it not authentically non fiction. but overall, you kinda get an idea of the life Joe Montana led. and the fucked up times that made him into who he became. 日系人として、共感できるって言うか、あぁ、この時代だったら私はこんな環境で育ったのかとかって言うのが結構現実味があったね。

there is a kind of weird respect for this man that made it to the top of a highly organized crime society. and the fact that he did it without resorting to too much violence. でも、やっぱりいいことをしたとは思えない。色々と考えさせる本でしたね。

Currently listening to: エメラルド - ベッキー♯♪

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