Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Homeless

i work in downtown, which means i pass by a lot of bums on the street during my commute. まぁ、ロスに住んでる以上、慣れたっちゃぁ慣れたけど、やっぱり、何か心苦しい。i know that not all of them out on the street are their because of their own faults. some are there because they have no other choice. だからかなぁ、見てるとちょっと悲しいキモチになる。

でも、だからって何もしない私って罪ですかね? but i'm never sure what i should do... should i give them money? but i heard it's better if you give them food and other essentials. but it's not like i always have extra food readily available. plus, i just started working so it's not like i have the 余裕 to do so too. でも、何もしないのもどうかと思う。苦悩してます。

Currently listening to: SO YOUNG - THE YELLOW  MONKEYS

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