Saturday, July 16, 2011

Benign Positional Vertigo

last night, my mom kept complaining that she wasn't feeling well and like the world was spinning. i had to go to cvs at 11 o'clock at night to get meds for her. 超面倒だったけど、ま、うるさいよりはましかな?so, we got meds but it wasn't helping too much. she complained so much, i actually had to search for a doctor open on saturdays since hers didn't.

そんなこんなで見つけたのが岩田先生。in pasadena. open on saturdays. wonderful reviews on yelp. (lol, yea, yelp) ま、とりあえず、今朝電話して、10時半に診てもらうことに。DAMN! the place was niceeeeeeeee. it has a really relaxing atmosphere with the walls all baby blue and decked out with antique furniture. すごくきれいだった。and the doctor is really nice too. he took time to really explain my mom's disease. it's called benign positional vertigo. apparently, as you age, the lumps of calcium start developing. and when that develops in your ear, バランスを整える三半規管にあたり、目がぐるぐるして、めまいなどが起こるみたい。でも、once all the clumps settle, you're done. らしい。

much much nicer than this

man, he was so nice, i think i want him as my doctor if i ever have to go ;) Dr. Iwata in Pasadena. definite recommend!

Currently listening to: Lighters feat. Bruno Mars - Bad Meets Evil

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