Monday, December 27, 2010


今日は姉と祖母が風邪なので、お医者さんに行ってきました。man, it was freaking far... they used to be a lot closer but they moved. and where they moved is really ghetto.... a bit scary. but not much other choice right now so had to there around 10:20. 祖母は初めてだから、資料を色々書かされた。病歴から保険の資料とか色々。annoying but necessary process, i guess. but man, even though we had an appointment, it took them nearly an hour to call us in. -_- 前々から遅かったけど、ホントひどいね。絶対長すぎると思う。まぁ、医者が医者全部そうでは無いと思うが、だから医者ってキライ。i rarely go to the doctors. as far as i can remember, i've only been to the doctor's a handful of times. and most of it is my pediatrician. for vaccinations and stuff. 後はほとんど行ったこと無い。別にいいよね?行かなくても...一応健康だし?but yea, i really don't like going to the doctors. but then again, who does??

Currently listening to: ほんとのきもち - 高橋優

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