Saturday, November 20, 2010


so, its raining. not that i don't like the rain or anything. it's fine, as long as i don't have school. 雨の中、学校に行くのは大変だから。でも、雨のせいで、めっちゃ寒い。気温低すぎ。しかも、よりによって今日、、、
today, i had to go to the old house (in the process of being rebuilt) for an inspection. the time slot was from 10-12. apparently, they can't get anymore specific than that. バカじゃねぇの?難しくないでしょ...絶対ふざけてる。しょうがないから、10時から家でスタンバイ。寒い雨の中、ひたすら来るのを待つ。once it hit 11:30, i started calling the company that's doing the inspection. of course, they don't answer. it's so stupid... i call a dozen times over and still no answer or call back. で、12時ギリギリにやっと車が一台。apparently, the inspector had an "emergency". mmhmm. emergency. ugh.

the inspection itself didn't take too long. she just took a bunch of pics and i signed some paper work. 15 minutes tops. でも、待ち時間が長すぎ。寒かったぁ。

Currently listening to: 駅 - 竹内まりや

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