Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Couples Retreat

finally watched "Couples Retreat", starring Vince Vaughn and Kristen Bell. It was pretty funny. a lot more sexual innuendos than imagined. lol. twas fun tho :)went to watch it at the $3 theater. 安い!へへ。でも、安いだけに客層がよくない。dude, there were these 3 guys that were sitting a few seats down from us who were laughing at the top of their voices. you could barely hear what the characters were saying. うるさいし、ウザイし、最悪。ああいう客キライ。もう少し回りを気遣ってほしい。バ~カ!

OMG! and the guy next to me. he was a fatty (sorry, not trying to be mean, but the guy was partially in my seat...) and he kept shaking his leg. i talked to the bf sitting to the other side of me and he said that he could feel the shaking too. -__- 貧乏ゆすりやめろや!このヤローォォォォォォォォォォォォ!って感じ。ugh.

but yea, overall, the movie was nice. made me realize that marriage might not be so bad after all. i just hope i get the right guy. lol :)

Currently listening to: LA LA LA Love Song - 久保田利伸 feat. Naomi Campbell

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