i think i've mentioned kogi before on this blog, haven't i?? anyways, its the food truck that sells korean style tacos and burritos. muy delicioso :) so, i've been craving kogi for a while, since the last time i ate some was god knows when. で、金曜日の夜、やっと出会えましたぁ。the bf tipped me off that kogi was gonna be in the area so we went searching.
my family wanted to try it too so we had quite a bit to buy. we spot the truck and by the time we park and get to the truck, there's quite a bit in line. でも、まぁそんなにかからないだろうと思い、列に並ぶ。and then, a ball starts forming about halfway between us and the truck. stupid highschoolers are letting their friends cut in line so that the line at that sect was growing sideways. -__- 超迷惑。後ろももう既にメッチャ並んでるし、まだ開店しないし、イライラ。in the end, it took us 1.5 hours until we could get our orders in. bastards... 自分も高校生に時ってあんなんだったかなぁって思ったけど、絶対ない。
in the end, i got to eat a beef taco, pork taco, and chicken burrito. 美味しかった~。this was the first time i'd gotten a burrito but it was actually really good. fulfilling too. 満足でした。:D
Currently listening to: New World - w-inds.
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