1. 豚のしょうが焼き、マヨ風味とほうれん草のソテー。i don't think they match too well, since one is japanese food and the other is sorta more chinese-ish. but whatever. hehe.豚のしょうが焼きは初挑戦だったけど、以外とうまくできました。豚とたまねぎを醤油、みりん、酒、蜂蜜、しょうがのたれにつけて、焼いただけ。で、火が通ったら、マヨを足して、絡める。出来上がり!the spinach is relatively simple too. toss in some garlic into oil, and then put the spinach in. add some 紹興酒 and let it steam for a bit. as it gradually becomes softer, i add some salt and chicken bullion. in the end, i add a bit of starch to get the sauce a bit creamy.
Currently listening to: さよならメモリーズ - supercell
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