i really miss my friends from high school. i'm not good at keeping in contact and go mia A LOT. so it's rare nowadays to hang out with the crew and other people from high school/middle school. ま、皆結構遠い大学とか行って新しい友達もできてるしね。but i think we're all still pretty close. we hang out a lot when break comes rolling around and stuff. でも、ウチは親がうるさいから中々行けなくて...

last night, a friend from high school randomly came by to LA. he goes to irvine but i think he already finished school... んで、ま、高校からの奴ら5人ぐらいで集まってちょっとおしゃべりして Di Di Reese にクッキー買いに行ったの。the line was soooooo long. さすがっ!って感じ。when we finally did get down to munching, it was all that great. i mean, the taste is as awesome as ever, but it was a bit hard. i think the cookies were a bit old.. :( 残念。
but yea, hanging out with friends made those high school days very nostalgic. すごい昔にも感じ、ついこの間にも感じ。不思議な感じ。無邪気におしゃべりしたり悪ふざけしたりしてた頃がものすごく懐かしい。戻りたいけど、今ある幸せも大事。矛盾だらけで、胸がムカムカ。(笑)
Currently listening to: フレンズ - レベッカ
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