ever heard of it? its one of those random chat sites that connects you to a random somebody. it's really interesting and i know it's kinda old but i just got started on it. :)

ヒマなときとか、無性に誰かに話したくなった時は、最近良く利用する。since i'm not really good at doing face to face, this is great! i mean, it's just typing so i'm not fumbling around with my words. its not as intimidating, i guess.
結構面白い話相手が出てきたりするから楽しい。of course, there are those pervie guys looking around to just cyber with someone. but i've been lucky enough to avoid those. 同年代の人とあたるとうれしいよね。ガッコの話とか、将来に話とかで結構盛り上がる。楽しい♪
what's especially nice is that i've been getting a couple compliments :) (cuz it's usually guys that i talk to) i've gotten smart, easy to talk to, and fun. haha. あんま言われたことないから照れますね。course, they may be saying it just to make me feel good and then try cybering with me. but i disconnect before it goes that far so i'm not sure... but for now, i'll just think that they truly mean it :) (←超プラス思考 笑)
my bf, the one that introduced me, is such a douche. he pretends to be a girl and right as they start trying to cyber or whatever, he'd tell them he's a guy and disconnect. he takes pleasure in that.. -__- ま、相手も相手だから別にいいけどね。
so yea, that's what i've been doing in my spare time. if you haven't already, you may want to try it. it's really fun!
Currently listening to: 好きだから - ベッキー♯♪
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