Wednesday, April 28, 2010


i woke up this morning feeling somewhat tired. didn't get a good night's rest, i guess. anyways, i walked into the hallway to get to the bathroom across the hall. along the way, i take a glance towards the living room and notice it's quite bright out there. 今日めっちゃ晴れてるやんなんて呑気なこと考えながら顔を洗った。

で、終わって朝ごはんを作りにリビングの方に向かったら、なんとびっくり、カーテンがあ~りませんじゃないですか。no wonder it was so bright when i woke up.... どんだけ寝ぼけてんだよって話ですね。(笑)the entire thing had just fallen off. i guess the nails became loose?? took me a couple of seconds to process it all. haha.

earlier in the morning, around 6, i woke up the noise of a crash. wasn't sure what it was but checked the clock anyways, hence the time. アパートの廊下の方から聞こえた気がしたから、大して気にもせずにまた寝た。今思えば、アレがカーテンだったのかも...

the roomie's reaction when she woke up: "What the...". haha, me too!

Currently listening to: ホントだよ - 柴咲コウ

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