Monday, April 19, 2010


so, the bf and i went out last night on a date night to watch, you guessed it! DATE NIGHT! starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey. (i hope i spelled those right....)

it was hilarious. so many sexual innuendos tho. でも、久しぶりに映画見に行ったから本当に楽しかった。ちょっとリアリティーに欠けるけど。as always, steve carell does a wonderful job. tina fey was really good too. and there were so many pretty big stars that had small roles. it was a big surprise. there was mark whalberg, mila kunis, james franco, leighton meester, etc. i really love leighton meester so it was a nice surprise seeing her in it.
映画にしては、ちょっと短いけど、ソレぐらいがちょうどいいと思う。最近の映画は長すぎるのが多いから。seriously hilarious and interesting. a must see :)

Currenty listening to: We Are! - 東方神起

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