in case some of you didn't know, President Obama was in LA since yesterday, helping Senator Barbara Boxer fundraise. so last night, when he was moving, they shut down Wilshire right down the street from me. and it happened today again...
今朝は朝8時からの授業があるため、シャトルに乗るために7時半にアパートを出た。the moment i got out of the building, i noticed something was wrong. my tiny street was busy as heck and for some reason, there was a big blue bus. (the santa monica bus) i look down the street, and sure enough, wilshire is shut down. 何でだろうと思って、角まで出てみると、警察官がいて、どうやら今から大統領がココを通って空港まで行くらしい。so, obviously, no shuttle. everyone's wondering when this will be over, since they wouldn't even let pedestrians cross but all we get are i don't knows. -__-
で、ようやく、30分弱待って、大統領のお出まし。although people were grumbling about the road closures, the moment Obama's car passes through, everyone started cheering. lol. all i could see was the side of his face through tinted windows, but it was still exciting. haha. how often do you get a real glimpse of the president?? hehe.
anyways, after that, it was a mad rush to get to class. もうメッチャ早歩きした。おかげで水ぶくれができちゃった。痛いです。and on top of it all, class had actually started. -__- もう、本当に色々大変だった。
Currently listening to: STAY AWAY - L'Arc~en~Ciel
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