that's a long title. anywhoo, saw that last night with the bf on the roku, a machine that plays instant streaming stuff from netflix and what not. (<- 便利だよね) it was a cute lovestory and all but a bit long. i really thought Norah was pretty but the bf thinks otherwise... and i really thought Trish was ougly but the bf once again thinks otherwise... -___- 男ってホントバカね。そして単純。

so, once again, the movie was unnecessarily long. seriously... like that one scene at the recording studio... was that really necessary? all they did there was i think Norah orgasming. 別にいらないし。思わん?and dude, it took forever to find fluffy. by the time they found them, it was dawn. ちょっとさすがに遅すぎじゃない?いくらなんでもそんな時間からやってたら、コンサート終わる頃には会社とか学校とかあるでしょ?って思った。
however, the story was quite interesting in some respects. not the typical lovestory so that was good. plus, the gay bandmates made it pretty darn funny. haha. gotta love 'em.
on the other hand, it was our 3 year anniversary yesterday!! :) 早いね~。もう3年だぜ。ウチの従兄は3年目で別れたらしいから気をつけないと。な~んちゃって。ウチらは大丈夫でっす!
Currently listening to: Love Story - Taylor Swift
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