Friday, April 23, 2010


so, i've decided to record some of my attempts at cooking, since i do it a lot during the week at the apartment.

first up: チキンのから揚げときのこの醤油バター炒め。i made the karaage by salt and peppering the chicken and adding a bit of soy sauce. i put the chicken in some flour and cooked it in a frying pan filled with oil slightly more than usual.
だから、あげてないから ヘルシー!みたいな?(笑)キノコは、シメジ、しいたけ、とえのきを使いました。i was thinking about using mushrooms too, but i thought it would be too much and wouldn't be able to finish all of it so i decided not to. it was still pretty good tho. i think i really like shimeji now. hahanext: 揚げ豆腐と青梗菜のひき肉餡かけ。this was wasn't that difficult to make. フライパンでたまねぎと豚挽き肉を砂糖、酒、醤油、みりんでいためて、中華風だしを入れてあんを作り、豆腐は片栗粉をまぶしてフライパンで焼き、青梗菜をフライパンで焼いて塩を少々振っただけ。それを皿に盛り付け、上から熱々のあんをかけるだけ。relatively simple. but a bit time consuming. but really good :)
so, thats about all my cooking this week. twas fun!! :)

Currently listening to: Snow White - 関ジャニ∞

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