last night, the bf came to pick me up from school and we went out on a date! :D ものすごく久しぶりのまともなデート。週末だとどうしても親までがしゃしゃり出てくるから...i know, it's weird. anyways, we decided to eat at the boiling crab in alhambra since i've wanted to try it since forever. but first, we decided to kill some time at my apartment since traffic was baaad. で、ちょっと小腹が空いたから、Pizza Rolls を焼いてみた。そしたら、彼が調子に乗って、もっと、さらにいっぱい焼いちゃって...出かけるときには結構お腹いっぱい -___-;

but we decide to go anyways. with traffic and all, we get to boiling crab around 8. BUT! it's still busy as heck. で、もういいか、と言うことで、違うレストランへ。we decide to go the boat house nearby as an alternative. they have a similar concept to boiling crab. ま、あーだこーだ言って、注文を決める: 1lb. of clams in their house special sauce in mild, 1 dungeness crab in the cajun sauce in mild, and we got 1lb of shrimp free in house special sauce mild. the bf had been there before but it was my first time so i was a bit excited. ちょっとオーダーがくるまでは時間かかったけど、新鮮っぽかった。ただ、ソースがいまいちかな?とにかく味が濃いかった。oh, and they use lots of garlic too. i'm sure i reeked of it. haha. overall, it was meh.

one funny thing that happened before dinner: when we went to boiling crab, the bf made a wrong turn and we ended up in the parking lot next door. だから、裏口から出ようといって、そっちに向かったら脇にゴミ入れを見て驚いた声を出す彼。surprised, i look over and ask what's wrong. he tells me he saw a foot sticking out of the dumpster. 冗談だと思った私をよそに、そのままU-Turnして、駐車場に戻る彼。で、見てみると、やはり、足。but when i looked at it, it had this yellow-ish color to it that made it totally look fake. but the bf insists that it looks real. だから、食べ終わってから、また見に行くことに。(ヒマでしょ?)で、今回見たら、すっごい怖かったね。it's because the light was gone so the color was hard to tell and when seen from the front, you can actually tell that wrinkles and such have been etched in. 結構本物っぽかった。彼はビビリだから、かなり怖がってたね。(笑)

so, after dinner, we drive around looking for something to do. we find a carnival taking place at a park so we decided to have a look. 小さいけど、色々あったよ。there were some rides, food, and a couple games. ちょっと面白そうだったけど、何もせずにすぐ帰った。で、結局映画を見ることに。we decided to watch iron man 2, since there's been so much hype about it. でも、正直あんまりいいとは思わなかった。sure its action packed and all but that's about it. 何か、長いのか短いのか分からない。it's fast paced, but it still seemed long. i liked the first one better. but scarlett johanson was hot! :)
Currently listening to: 君がいない未来 - Do As Infinity
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