Saturday, May 1, 2010


tonight, it was just my mom and i for dinner, since the sister had gone out to a bbq with my dad and the bf had headed home for something. since my mom had to go to torrance, we decided to eat in torrance. で、思い出したのが、「ライトハウス」で見たお寿司屋さんの「築地」の広告。stated that they've cut down the prices by 50% on all sushi!! crazy, huh?

で、築地で食べることに。美味しかった!あんな新鮮なすしネタはアメリカでは初めてなぐらい新鮮だった。しかも、安い!!we got the "hako-uni" set too. $30 gets you a box of sea urchin, 5 pieces of sushi, kobachi (small appetizers), salmon collar, and dessert. すごいでしょ??量がハンパないんスけど、みたいな?(笑)the sea urchin was sooooo goood. very sweet and delicate. 口に入れたら、とろけた。マジで。箱うになんて始めてたべたぁ。えへへ。
apparently, they're gonna be doing this 50% price cut thing for a while so you should really check it out, if you like sushi :)

Currently listening to: Hey Jude - The Beatles

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