today, my mom picked me up from my apartment to go home. we decided to try something new for lunch since we always eat at the same place. so we opt for the store one door down and arrive at Little Hong Kong Cafe. 二人揃って中華好きだし、いいかってことで。

入ったとたんにウェーターが結構慌ただしい人だと分かった。なんていうか、せっかち?he was all over us the moment we sat down to look at the menu. once he took our order, he flew off with it. haha. interesting man. cuz we was really old too. 母が年寄りなのにフットワークが軽いって言ってた。(笑)ま、実際ものすごく軽かったからね。
while eating lunch, my mom gets a call from her customer that she was supposed to pick up soon and we find out that there's been a delay. so we have some time to kill and we end up going shopping. (i know, i know. too much shopping...) また、買っちゃった。でも、自分のお金じゃないけどね。寝巻きとシャツが3枚。結構増えたね。シャツが。but hey, they were all pretty cute :)
when we were about to leave the parking lot of one of the places, my mom locked us out of the car... -__- she was leaning into to the trunk, rearrange all the bags. i guess she dropped her key in. で、閉めた後に鍵がないことに気づく。お客が後、10分ぐらいで着くというときに。しょうがないからこういう時のためのAAAに電話。but usually, it takes them a while to come so we were thinking we'd be late. and then, a miracle happens. a tow truck emblazoned with the AAA logo drives past us in the parking lot. we flag that thing done and somehow, we make it on time. もう、本当にバカな話。奇跡的に通りかかったあの人に感謝ですな。

Currently listening to: クジラ12号 - Judy and Mary
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