the sister had gone out to a party tonight so before picking her up, the bf, mom, and i decide to eat dinner. 何食べようか考えていて、前から気になっていた、表題のレストランに行くことに。

外から見たら、結構大きそうな建物だけど、中はそれほどでもなかった。but when waiters walked through the double doors and into the kitchen, we could understand why. their kitchen is quite huge. haha. we order a couple different dishes and they all taste pretty decent. but my mom and i were saying that we like the chinese food from the day before. スープがすごかった。2人前って書いてあったけど、軽く4人前はあったね。食べ切れなくてお持ち帰りしたぐらい。the prices weren't too bad either, because they give you a lot per dish. oh, and they use a lot of veggies so if you like veggies, you'll like this place.
afterwards, we had to pick up my sister so off we went. i had to drive and i get pretty nervous when i'm driving to places i don't know so it was a little scary. plus, the mom was next to me which makes it a whole lot worse. めっちゃ緊張しちゃう。ま、何とか無事迎えて、家まで帰ることができました。
Currently listening to: Airplanes - B.o.B. with Hayley Williams
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