自分が泣き虫なのは重々承知の上だ。でも、まさか夢で泣くとは...i think it was early this morning. i've been having trouble sleeping these last couple of weeks and i usually don't remember dreams but i may have been able to remember it because i wasn't in such a deep sleep.
今となってはぼんやりなんだけど、どっかの家にいて、母と私と叔父と祖母がいた。we were doing something and i was getting in trouble by my mom and grandmother and i fought back (more like talked back). 現実ではあんまり反抗とかしたことがないけど、たまってたんでしょうね。不満爆発。それに対して、母と祖母が何か変(?)になっちゃったみたい。精神的に(?)。i just stormed off. and then my uncle came to talk to me. i was just saying "it's not my fault". i cry even when i'm pissed so obviously, i was crying. not just in my dreams but in reality too. i think the phrase and the situation i just mentioned reminded me of an incident back when we had the house fire where i had a big fight with my mom. その時、母がちょっと精神不安定になって。その時と気持ちがダブったのかも。
なんとも寝起きの悪い夢でした。on a lighter note, i think there was a point where i was crying in my dream but not in reality yet and i was snorting my nose (because of all that runny nose stuff. ew) and doing that in reality too. because there was nothing in reality, i think i just sounded like a walrus. 恥ずかしい。結構大きい音だったと思う。でも、それでも起きないルームメートってどうよ?
Currently listening to: don't cry anymore - miwa
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