Friday, May 14, 2010


本日は色々事情があり、リトル東京で一人でランチすることに。一人で外で食べたことがないので、ちょっと気まずかったけどね。だって、女の子が一人でランチで虚しいよね。but it's okay. it's not like i had any other choice either.
so, i've been eyeing this one place that recently opened in the little tokyo square recently. 「ワカサヤ」って所だけど、海鮮丼などがメインのお店です。of course, i LOVE seafood so i end up walking in here to eat. 自分で選べるから、半分雲丹と半分炙りサーモンのどんぶりと牛筋の煮込みをオーダー。the sea urchin was really good, much to my surprise. i thought it'd be not so fresh, since that's usually the case. but this was really fresh and they give you quite a lot. サーモンの方がちょっと物足りなかった。they give you like 5 slices but i felt they should give more. plus, it seemed old. like they seared it and then left it out for a while. i was expecting something a little more fresh... :( 牛筋は値段の割りには少ないと思った。後、煮込み過ぎ。ちょっとドロドロしてた。でも、味付けは美味しかったね。

i will probably come here again because it was pretty decently good for the price. i just hope that next time, it's a little better.

Currently listening to: 涙のキッス - サザンオールスターズ

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