a bowling alley near my house does a sunday morning special, where you can bowl for $1/game/person. not bad, right?? so the family and i decided to give it a try. ま、母がそれ目当てでボウリング・シューズも買ったしね。使わないと損でしょ。ホント、すぐ何でも買っちゃうんだよね。無駄遣いが多すぎ、ウチの母親。

we ended up playing 3 games. it was fun. i think i'm getting better. i got 2 strikes and a couple spares. haha. there seems to be a pattern and i do relatively well at the beginning of a game. but towards the end, i really start to suck. haha. なぜぇぇぇぇ。分からん。ま、その内上達するでしょう。多分。
at night, we decided to bbq. (my mom bought a grill yesterday) during the day, we went to Omaha Steaks and bought a lot of meat. all because we had a coupon. (無駄遣い多いって言ったでしょ?)ま、美味しかったんだけどね。バーベキューなんて久しぶりだったし。皆で外でワイワイ食べるのも楽しいし。唯一が食べ過ぎたこと。お腹が破裂するくらいいっぱい。i ate a lot at dinner, but on top of that, i ate dessert that my dad bought too. だって、ケーキは新鮮なうちが一番美味しいでしょ?一応バドミントンしてちょっとは消化しようとしたんだけど、あんまり効果なかったみたい。

お酒飲んだことで熱いしね。i emptied the last half of a bottle of wine and had a beer. not a lot, but boy is it hot. 飲むと熱がりになるのかね。後、自分でも思うくらい、ウザく彼にまとわり着く。ゴメンナサイ...
Currently listening to: 花火 - aiko
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