went to dim sum today with my dad for lunch in arcadia. でも、レストランの名前分からん。そこまで見てなかった...it's near the santa anita mall. haha. the place was pretty good. not incredible of anything. 普通。but it was pretty darn cheap. there were 4 of us there and we ate A LOT and the total including tip was like $40. 安いでしょ?

ただ残念なのが、種類の少なさ。maybe it's because we went a bit late? わかんないけど、とにかく種類が少なかった。we got har gow, shu mai, this eggplant thing, spare ribs, chimaki, congee, something in yuba, green beans thingy, and a couple more. でも、あんまり揚げ物系とかなかった。あ!でも、麺がスペシャルみたいに出てきて、美味しかった!シンプルかつうまい感じ。
after, we went golfing and my dad gave me some tips on how to shoot better. i think i am getting better. but i first need to get used to the improved(?) form. アイロンで飛ぶようになってきたから、後は安定して打たないと。以外とムズい。
Currently listening to: According to You - Orianthi
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