Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bowling & BBQ

a bowling alley near my house does a sunday morning special, where you can bowl for $1/game/person. not bad, right?? so the family and i decided to give it a try. ま、母がそれ目当てでボウリング・シューズも買ったしね。使わないと損でしょ。ホント、すぐ何でも買っちゃうんだよね。無駄遣いが多すぎ、ウチの母親。
we ended up playing 3 games. it was fun. i think i'm getting better. i got 2 strikes and a couple spares. haha. there seems to be a pattern and i do relatively well at the beginning of a game. but towards the end, i really start to suck. haha. なぜぇぇぇぇ。分からん。ま、その内上達するでしょう。多分。

at night, we decided to bbq. (my mom bought a grill yesterday) during the day, we went to Omaha Steaks and bought a lot of meat. all because we had a coupon. (無駄遣い多いって言ったでしょ?)ま、美味しかったんだけどね。バーベキューなんて久しぶりだったし。皆で外でワイワイ食べるのも楽しいし。唯一が食べ過ぎたこと。お腹が破裂するくらいいっぱい。i ate a lot at dinner, but on top of that, i ate dessert that my dad bought too. だって、ケーキは新鮮なうちが一番美味しいでしょ?一応バドミントンしてちょっとは消化しようとしたんだけど、あんまり効果なかったみたい。

お酒飲んだことで熱いしね。i emptied the last half of a bottle of wine and had a beer. not a lot, but boy is it hot. 飲むと熱がりになるのかね。後、自分でも思うくらい、ウザく彼にまとわり着く。ゴメンナサイ...

Currently listening to: 花火 - aiko

Saturday, May 29, 2010


今朝は朝早くから起きて、母のお仕事のお手伝い...疲れたぁ。i had to go all the way to la habra heights to pick someone up. しかも、途中道に迷うし...大変だった。other than that tho, i think everything went smoothly. i only get 20 lousy bucks tho. eh. on the plus side, i think my driving is getting better. hooray! cuz everyone keeps bitching at me that my driving is scary. rawr

omg.... school is ending and i am in the pits. やること多すぎ。i have 2 papers due 10th (dead) week. one 6 pager on wed. and one 7 pager on thurs. まだほとんど何もやってない~。残念!*sigh* がんばれネバダ。
but there's more... i have another final paper dues tues. of finals week and a final the same day. やること多すぎ。時間なさすぎ。ugh. can't wait till these two weeks are over. then i get to go to vegas!!! :D

Currently listening to: アイドルみたいに歌わせて - 矢島美容室 feat. プリンセス・セイコ

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


this artist, Christopher Uminga has a really cute style. in this article i found online, some artwork of his depicting comic book heroes is displayed. some of my favorites are below. here's the link to the full article and you can also visit his homepage.
Currently listening to: LOVELESS - 山下智久

Monday, May 24, 2010


たった今見つけた、若干14歳のシンガー・ソングライター。she is amazing. she's really good at what she does and her song is crazy good. she tells of her situation growing up. her parents had divorced because they were both having affairs. she ended up being abandoned and was adopted by her grandparents on her mother's side. すごく悲しいけど、勇気付けられる曲。感動するし、共鳴したくなる。驚異な新人ですね。here's her youtube video.
Currently listening to: 事実~12歳で私が決めたコト~ - 中川あゆみ

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fu Shing Chinese Restaurant

the sister had gone out to a party tonight so before picking her up, the bf, mom, and i decide to eat dinner. 何食べようか考えていて、前から気になっていた、表題のレストランに行くことに。
外から見たら、結構大きそうな建物だけど、中はそれほどでもなかった。but when waiters walked through the double doors and into the kitchen, we could understand why. their kitchen is quite huge. haha. we order a couple different dishes and they all taste pretty decent. but my mom and i were saying that we like the chinese food from the day before. スープがすごかった。2人前って書いてあったけど、軽く4人前はあったね。食べ切れなくてお持ち帰りしたぐらい。the prices weren't too bad either, because they give you a lot per dish. oh, and they use a lot of veggies so if you like veggies, you'll like this place.

afterwards, we had to pick up my sister so off we went. i had to drive and i get pretty nervous when i'm driving to places i don't know so it was a little scary. plus, the mom was next to me which makes it a whole lot worse. めっちゃ緊張しちゃう。ま、何とか無事迎えて、家まで帰ることができました。

Currently listening to: Airplanes - B.o.B. with Hayley Williams

Friday, May 21, 2010

Little Hong Kong Cafe and lockout

today, my mom picked me up from my apartment to go home. we decided to try something new for lunch since we always eat at the same place. so we opt for the store one door down and arrive at Little Hong Kong Cafe. 二人揃って中華好きだし、いいかってことで。
入ったとたんにウェーターが結構慌ただしい人だと分かった。なんていうか、せっかち?he was all over us the moment we sat down to look at the menu. once he took our order, he flew off with it. haha. interesting man. cuz we was really old too. 母が年寄りなのにフットワークが軽いって言ってた。(笑)ま、実際ものすごく軽かったからね。

while eating lunch, my mom gets a call from her customer that she was supposed to pick up soon and we find out that there's been a delay. so we have some time to kill and we end up going shopping. (i know, i know. too much shopping...) また、買っちゃった。でも、自分のお金じゃないけどね。寝巻きとシャツが3枚。結構増えたね。シャツが。but hey, they were all pretty cute :)

when we were about to leave the parking lot of one of the places, my mom locked us out of the car... -__- she was leaning into to the trunk, rearrange all the bags. i guess she dropped her key in. で、閉めた後に鍵がないことに気づく。お客が後、10分ぐらいで着くというときに。しょうがないからこういう時のためのAAAに電話。but usually, it takes them a while to come so we were thinking we'd be late. and then, a miracle happens. a tow truck emblazoned with the AAA logo drives past us in the parking lot. we flag that thing done and somehow, we make it on time. もう、本当にバカな話。奇跡的に通りかかったあの人に感謝ですな。

Currently listening to: クジラ12号 - Judy and Mary

Thursday, May 20, 2010


tonight, i went out with the bf, since he was in the area on business. haha. 2週連続なんてラッキー。最近は中々二人で出かけることなかったから楽しい♪

first, we went to this sex shop, Pleasure Chest, in West Hollywood that we'd been eyeing. we found it on yelp! and it had great reviews. 玩具買おうとばかり言う彼のために行くことに。we ended up getting a vibrator that we'd bought before that i really liked. plus, it was cheap. だって、結構全部高い。$50-$75は当たり前で$100超えるものなんてザラとある。高い高い。そういうのはもうちょっと大人になってからね。although there was this one that was like $135 that looked VERY interesting. lol

afterwards, we decided to go to the mall and just browse. we went to the gap since they were having a sale and i ended up buying 2 shirts. 最近買い物が多いです。ま、女の子らしくなってきたのかも知れないけど、ちょっと買いすぎかな?and then, we decided to eat at the food court. since we were both not too hungry, we decided to split an order. we ordered at this texmex like place. got a tortilla wrapped sandwich with tortilla chips. 結構おいしかった。以外とあっさりで。but i really wanted to try their fries. o well..

で、最終的にはカラオケ~。超久しぶり。楽しかった~。i've been wanting to go for a while so it was nice to finally be able to go. there were quite a number of people but the place was decently big so we didn't have to wait. finally got to sing "Don't say crazy" and also tried "The D-Motion" but failed. haha. 結構懐かしいのも歌った。Sowelu の "Dear Friend" とか hitomi の "LOVE2000" とか。懐かしい~。あはは。楽しい夜だった!

Currently listening to: Dear Friend - Sowelu

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


自分が泣き虫なのは重々承知の上だ。でも、まさか夢で泣くとは...i think it was early this morning. i've been having trouble sleeping these last couple of weeks and i usually don't remember dreams but i may have been able to remember it because i wasn't in such a deep sleep.

今となってはぼんやりなんだけど、どっかの家にいて、母と私と叔父と祖母がいた。we were doing something and i was getting in trouble by my mom and grandmother and i fought back (more like talked back). 現実ではあんまり反抗とかしたことがないけど、たまってたんでしょうね。不満爆発。それに対して、母と祖母が何か変(?)になっちゃったみたい。精神的に(?)。i just stormed off. and then my uncle came to talk to me. i was just saying "it's not my fault". i cry even when i'm pissed so obviously, i was crying. not just in my dreams but in reality too. i think the phrase and the situation i just mentioned reminded me of an incident back when we had the house fire where i had a big fight with my mom. その時、母がちょっと精神不安定になって。その時と気持ちがダブったのかも。

なんとも寝起きの悪い夢でした。on a lighter note, i think there was a point where i was crying in my dream but not in reality yet and i was snorting my nose (because of all that runny nose stuff. ew) and doing that in reality too. because there was nothing in reality, i think i just sounded like a walrus. 恥ずかしい。結構大きい音だったと思う。でも、それでも起きないルームメートってどうよ?

Currently listening to: don't cry anymore - miwa

Monday, May 17, 2010


最近やたらと料理本が増えてる。母が買ってくるのです。何かのメッセージでしょうか。(笑)it's true that i do most of the cooking now so they are useful. especially since i cook at school too, so what i make at home, i can replicate at the apartment. でも、ちゃんとレシピを見てから材料を買ってるわけではないから、ちょっと難しいかも。大体レシピを基本にして、アレンジすることが多い。

一番最近の料理本は自分で買った。Book Off で SMAPxSMAP の BISTRO のレシピ本。i've watched bistro smap for a long time and their food always looks so good so i thought it'd be interesting. it was also only $3. でも、古いヤツだった。もうちょっと最近のも欲しかったけど、おいてなかった。so i got home and started flipping through the pages. 難しそう...材料も何か、手に入りにくそう...ま、いつか挑戦してみたいです!

Currently listening to: 夜空ノムコウ - SMAP

Sunday, May 16, 2010

玉手箱 & Bowling

今日が午前中からGardenaに居たから、そこでランチをすることに。トーランスプラザホテルにある「玉手箱」というレストラン。even though it's inside a hotel, it's not that expensive. so we decided to give it a go.

apparently, their ハンバーグ is their specialty. でも、皆結局違うもの。私は竜田揚げのピリ辛ソース定食で、彼は豚腹とんかつ定食。for the price, it was quite voluminous, which is obviously good. and the taste was really good too. ちょっと濃いかなって思ったけど。でもやっぱりおいしい~。

and later in the evening, we went bowling at an alley nearby. it was fun. we did 2 games and i actually did pretty good. especially in the first game. でも、やっぱり下手です。i'm trying to figure out my form because apparently, mine keep curving and there is a lot of spin on the ball. わかんない。but i think i'm improving. i hope...

Currently listening to: 光 - 宇多田ヒカル

Saturday, May 15, 2010


母のお客さんで「ガクト」さんとあだ名をつけられてる人がいる。母に言わせると、雰囲気がガクトに似ているからだとか。she keeps referring to him so i've been wanting to see what he looks like for a while. i mean, gackt is pretty hot and sexy. so if he kinda resembles him, i'm sure he's kinda hot, right??
で、今日、とうとう会える日がやってきた。空港で母が迎えるのだが、間に合わないので、私が足止めすることに。i was a bit nervous since i don't have to help out on the field too much for my mom. so, the phone rings and he tells me that he's out. i get going to meet him. 最初の印象: ものすごく怖い。he was in a t-shirt and jeans but he had sunglasses on and like 7-8 accessories (necklace, bracelets, rings) 怖いです...で、中に入ったのですが、その時にサングラスをはずしたら...:O すっごい幼顔!小池徹平みたいな目。he's got big eyes that make him look really young, hence not so scary. ギャップがすごかった。あはは。

btw, he was pretty cute. but wayyyy tooooo narcissist for my taste.

Currently listening to: Lost Angels - GACKT

Friday, May 14, 2010


本日は色々事情があり、リトル東京で一人でランチすることに。一人で外で食べたことがないので、ちょっと気まずかったけどね。だって、女の子が一人でランチで虚しいよね。but it's okay. it's not like i had any other choice either.
so, i've been eyeing this one place that recently opened in the little tokyo square recently. 「ワカサヤ」って所だけど、海鮮丼などがメインのお店です。of course, i LOVE seafood so i end up walking in here to eat. 自分で選べるから、半分雲丹と半分炙りサーモンのどんぶりと牛筋の煮込みをオーダー。the sea urchin was really good, much to my surprise. i thought it'd be not so fresh, since that's usually the case. but this was really fresh and they give you quite a lot. サーモンの方がちょっと物足りなかった。they give you like 5 slices but i felt they should give more. plus, it seemed old. like they seared it and then left it out for a while. i was expecting something a little more fresh... :( 牛筋は値段の割りには少ないと思った。後、煮込み過ぎ。ちょっとドロドロしてた。でも、味付けは美味しかったね。

i will probably come here again because it was pretty decently good for the price. i just hope that next time, it's a little better.

Currently listening to: 涙のキッス - サザンオールスターズ

Boat House and Iron Man 2

last night, the bf came to pick me up from school and we went out on a date! :D ものすごく久しぶりのまともなデート。週末だとどうしても親までがしゃしゃり出てくるから...i know, it's weird. anyways, we decided to eat at the boiling crab in alhambra since i've wanted to try it since forever. but first, we decided to kill some time at my apartment since traffic was baaad. で、ちょっと小腹が空いたから、Pizza Rolls を焼いてみた。そしたら、彼が調子に乗って、もっと、さらにいっぱい焼いちゃって...出かけるときには結構お腹いっぱい -___-;

but we decide to go anyways. with traffic and all, we get to boiling crab around 8. BUT! it's still busy as heck. で、もういいか、と言うことで、違うレストランへ。we decide to go the boat house nearby as an alternative. they have a similar concept to boiling crab. ま、あーだこーだ言って、注文を決める: 1lb. of clams in their house special sauce in mild, 1 dungeness crab in the cajun sauce in mild, and we got 1lb of shrimp free in house special sauce mild. the bf had been there before but it was my first time so i was a bit excited. ちょっとオーダーがくるまでは時間かかったけど、新鮮っぽかった。ただ、ソースがいまいちかな?とにかく味が濃いかった。oh, and they use lots of garlic too. i'm sure i reeked of it. haha. overall, it was meh.
one funny thing that happened before dinner: when we went to boiling crab, the bf made a wrong turn and we ended up in the parking lot next door. だから、裏口から出ようといって、そっちに向かったら脇にゴミ入れを見て驚いた声を出す彼。surprised, i look over and ask what's wrong. he tells me he saw a foot sticking out of the dumpster. 冗談だと思った私をよそに、そのままU-Turnして、駐車場に戻る彼。で、見てみると、やはり、足。but when i looked at it, it had this yellow-ish color to it that made it totally look fake. but the bf insists that it looks real. だから、食べ終わってから、また見に行くことに。(ヒマでしょ?)で、今回見たら、すっごい怖かったね。it's because the light was gone so the color was hard to tell and when seen from the front, you can actually tell that wrinkles and such have been etched in. 結構本物っぽかった。彼はビビリだから、かなり怖がってたね。(笑)

so, after dinner, we drive around looking for something to do. we find a carnival taking place at a park so we decided to have a look. 小さいけど、色々あったよ。there were some rides, food, and a couple games. ちょっと面白そうだったけど、何もせずにすぐ帰った。で、結局映画を見ることに。we decided to watch iron man 2, since there's been so much hype about it. でも、正直あんまりいいとは思わなかった。sure its action packed and all but that's about it. 何か、長いのか短いのか分からない。it's fast paced, but it still seemed long. i liked the first one better. but scarlett johanson was hot! :)

Currently listening to: 君がいない未来 - Do As Infinity

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


i was cooking tonight and i noticed i forgot to put pictures of my cooking for last week. lol. ま、見る人はあんまりいない(って言うかゼロ!?)ですが、一応乗せま~す。乗せたいから。(笑)

1. 焼きそば。定番ですね。and it's easy to make. in mine, i put a bunch of veggies. キャベツ、もやし、玉ねぎ、しいたけそして、豚肉。写真のヤツは塩味。一平ちゃんです。it was on sale. usually, it's around $3+ but this time, it was $1.99. 安~い。ということで、買っちゃいました。even though its more expensive compared to other yakisoba. だって、おいしいんだもん。
2. ジャガイモとひき肉の重ね焼き。this is the first time i've ever tried anything even remotely similar to this. cuz the mom doesn't like cheese and this requires cheese. ま、ラザニアに似てたかな。ジャガイモをゆでて、砕いて、マヨと塩コショウとでいためて、耐熱性の皿に引く。and then you make meat sauce. ground beef, onions, and marinara sauce. haha. easy, huh? で、上にはチーズを乗せて焼き上げるだけ。楽ちん。and it was really good. i liked it a lot. haha.
Currently listening to: I Gotta A Feeling - Black Eyed Peas


最近自分が勉強嫌いだってことに気づきました。大学4年にして始めて。どうよ、それ。it was so in high school. i mean, everything seemed so much easier in high school, you know? nothing compared to college. でも、今は結構いっぱいいっぱい。

大学始めた頃からあんまり勉強はしてこなかった。but know that i notice, i'm not really good at cramming either. so like before a test or something, i can't pull all-nighters to cram everything in for a test. -__- かと言って、コツコツと勉強もあんまりしない。基本的にはズボラだからなぁ。ま、勉強は苦手ですね。(笑)

Currently listening to: Be Ambitious! - TOKIO

Sunday, May 9, 2010


went to dim sum today with my dad for lunch in arcadia. でも、レストランの名前分からん。そこまで見てなかった's near the santa anita mall. haha. the place was pretty good. not incredible of anything. 普通。but it was pretty darn cheap. there were 4 of us there and we ate A LOT and the total including tip was like $40. 安いでしょ?
ただ残念なのが、種類の少なさ。maybe it's because we went a bit late? わかんないけど、とにかく種類が少なかった。we got har gow, shu mai, this eggplant thing, spare ribs, chimaki, congee, something in yuba, green beans thingy, and a couple more. でも、あんまり揚げ物系とかなかった。あ!でも、麺がスペシャルみたいに出てきて、美味しかった!シンプルかつうまい感じ。

after, we went golfing and my dad gave me some tips on how to shoot better. i think i am getting better. but i first need to get used to the improved(?) form. アイロンで飛ぶようになってきたから、後は安定して打たないと。以外とムズい。

Currently listening to: According to You - Orianthi

San Diego

today, we went to san diego, cuz my mom wanted to. we ended up doing practically nothing and it was such a waste of time. the most we did was go to balboa park and dinner. -___- マジで何がしたいねん。

ま、一応買い物はちょっとしたけど。we stopped by an outlet on the way to san diego and i got a pair of flipflops from oakley. hehe. 安かった。でも、それ以外は何も。ま、晩御飯は美味しかったけど。we went to this place called jasmine. chinese food. 何頼んでも美味しかった。and because the mom was going to be staying in san diego on mother's day for work, i paid for dinner to make it a mother's day thing. haha.
since we went in my car, the bf drove down and i drove back up. 久しぶりにハンドル握った~。結構スピード出したがりな自分に気づいた。で、彼が言うには、すぐ右に寄せちゃうらしい。でも、無意識だから、どうにもできない。(笑)omg, it was so long. haha. san diego is really far.... but yea, i was able to get everyone home safely. whoooppeeee!

afterwards, i went out to half&half for some boba and to meet up with some of the bfs friends. what i found out was, one of them is a rape enthusiast, apparently all of them are pedophiles and thinking of ways to get around the law (child nudism?) and one of them likes to bang cars. あはは。馬鹿ばっか。

Currently listening to: Nothin' on You feat. Bruno Mars - B.o.B.

Friday, May 7, 2010


全部見ました!でも、まぁまぁでした。ちょっと期待はずれ。i thought it'd be a lot more sadder but it wasn't too bad. 何か、以外とあっさり解決しちゃった。

i had heard that this movie, or at least the manga would be a total sobfest but i didn't cry at all. 泣き虫な私がですよ?ストーリーもなんか、浅かったし。後、榮倉奈々の演技もいまいちでしたね。こんなにボーっとした子今時いないと思う。i mean, sure, the plot was far from reality to begin with but her acting made it a lot worse. it's kinda old and i think her acting has improved in more recent movies/doramas.

overall, i don't think i would recommend this story to other people. 今一だからね。

Currently listening to: きっと永遠に... - Crystal Kay

Thursday, May 6, 2010


my mom was in the area and wanted to go out to dinner so we did. まんぷくって言う焼肉屋さんのWest Los Angeles店に行ってきました~
以前にも何かいか言ってるから、比較的馴染みのあるお店。we barely got into happy hour so we ordered to happy hour course for 2. it comes with rice, soup, salad, kimchi, sanchu, 4 types of meat, and dessert. all for $39. 結構お得なのです。

最初は順調に進んでいた箸も、後半になるに連れ、だんだん遅くなって...お腹いっぱい~。見たいな。i actually had a decent amount to eat. i ate all the kimchi cuz my mom doesn't like it. and most of the sanchu, as well as the veggies that came for the grill. ご飯も結構いっぱい食べちゃった。焼肉はご飯が進むのです。

何とか全部食べ、家に帰ったら、即ベッドでごろん。だって、お腹が破裂するかと思うくらいいっぱいなのです。i ate so much. it's really not even very funny.... but it was soooo goood. haha
Currently listening to: ナチュラルに恋して - Perfume


知ってますか?originally, it was a manga. でも、私、この人の書くマンガの絵ってどうも気に入らなくて、中々読む気にはなれない。だから、大ヒットって書いてあっても読んだことがない。but then, they made it into a movie. 実写版ってヤツ?so i decided to give it a go.
i was streaming this online on veoh. it was in parts and i think i saw up to like half of part 6 of 7. で、何か手順を間違えて、リフレッシュしたら、なんと、'This video has been removed' だった!:O ガーン...だから途中のまま。いつか終わりが見れると良いな。

but judging from what i've seen so far, i like it :) which makes it all the more depressing that i can't finish it. *sigh* 井上真央カワイイ。一番萌え~って来たのが、初エッチのシーン。タクミがマユに「セックスしたい」って抱きついたとこ。頭の中で「キャー。エロい!!」とか思いながら。(笑)なんか、でも、初々しさというか、何だろう...押さえ切れない感情の感じがなんとも言えない。野性的な感じ。quite the turn on. haha.

but yea, sadly couldn't finish it. so i decided to start another movie instead, by the same author. 「僕は妹に恋をする」。i hope its good!

Currently listening to: また君に恋してる - 坂本冬美

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

浮気 & 告白


one of the topics was cheating. traditionally, guys have been the ones known to cheat but nowadays the percentage of girls cheating is also rising. but that's not what they were talking about. lol. 何か、浮気はバレる人とバレない人がいるらしい。って言うか、そうだとしたら、浮気を絶対することが前提だよね!?実際
紳助さんは結構浮気してたみたい。i guess its understandable but i'd still like to believe that there are guys out there that won't cheat. 嵐のメンバーも自信持って浮気しないって言えないって。*sigh*
they were also talking about 告白。した方がイイんだって。伝えることが大事!according to him, there is a 100% way of telling someone you like them without getting rejected. 好きでいる許可をください。付き合わなくてもいいです、返事もくれなくてもいいです、ただ好きでいさせてください。って言えばいいんだって。そしたら、自然と相手も自分に優しくしてくれるって。気分がいいから。いい目で見られたいから。少し納得。but still, it's got to be difficult to tell someone that. でも、後悔しないために、言ったほうがイイ。らしいです。告白未体験者には未知の世界です。

Currently listening to: 告白 - FUNKY MONKEY BABYS


今のところ、不明。i'm hoping i can graduate from college after fall quarter 2010. hoping.... but what am i going to do afterwards?? 就職先なんて検討もつかない。ughhhh. this really bites.
i have so much to think about as summer approaches.

1. housing. what am i going to do fall quarter. さっさと見つけないと。アパートを見つけるか、家から通学するか。通学はキツイからなるべく、アパート。安いといいけど...

2. summer school fees. dude, so expensive. i'm taking 2 classes. and that's already 2k. お金がいる~。

3. work. i'm hoping to work 4 days. if my mom lets me. i want extra cash too and i need to pay for housing and summer school so i think i pretty much have to. 別に払ってくれないんだから、働かせてよ。ですね。

4. classes for next quarter. i think this is the one that's gonna come up first. i wonder when the schedule is up...

so, it's mostly academic. and monies... あ~、頭痛い。

Currently listening to: NEW LIFE - GReeeeN

Sunday, May 2, 2010

田中ファーム and Fired Up!

strawberries are in season!! so my mom, craving strawberries, decided to go ALL THE WAY to irvine, to a place called tanaka farm, to get strawberries.
遠くね?anywhooo, the strawberries were so expensive. $12.50 for 3 baskets. 高いよ!どんだけおいしいんだよ!they seriously better be pretty damn good. for myself, i got some grapes. those looked really good and were only $3.99/lb. what looked really good was the guacamole they sold. 試食してみたら、ムッチャおいしかってんけど、買おうとしたら、sold out... 残念!

once i got back to the apartment tonight, i noticed that the curtain that had broken last week was NOT fixed... なぜぇぇぇぇぇ。the manager said it'd get fixed on saturday. LIARS!!!! という訳で、またしばらくカーテン無しみたいです。トホホ...

oh, the bf and i finished watching the movie Fired Up! it was pretty darn funny. it's a cheerleading movie where these football players switch to cheerleading in order to go to cheerleading camp to fuck girls. pretty straight-forward. ま、で、本当の恋が芽生えて、みたいな。でも、本当に面白かったよ。they had some of the weirdest characters. and i'm assuming the thing is rated R, since they had some boobs showing. that might be some incentive for guys to watch. haha. it was seriously a pretty good movie, despite the fact that it must have been pretty low budget.
Currently listening to: Wild - 安室奈美恵

Saturday, May 1, 2010


tonight, it was just my mom and i for dinner, since the sister had gone out to a bbq with my dad and the bf had headed home for something. since my mom had to go to torrance, we decided to eat in torrance. で、思い出したのが、「ライトハウス」で見たお寿司屋さんの「築地」の広告。stated that they've cut down the prices by 50% on all sushi!! crazy, huh?

で、築地で食べることに。美味しかった!あんな新鮮なすしネタはアメリカでは初めてなぐらい新鮮だった。しかも、安い!!we got the "hako-uni" set too. $30 gets you a box of sea urchin, 5 pieces of sushi, kobachi (small appetizers), salmon collar, and dessert. すごいでしょ??量がハンパないんスけど、みたいな?(笑)the sea urchin was sooooo goood. very sweet and delicate. 口に入れたら、とろけた。マジで。箱うになんて始めてたべたぁ。えへへ。
apparently, they're gonna be doing this 50% price cut thing for a while so you should really check it out, if you like sushi :)

Currently listening to: Hey Jude - The Beatles

Kogi BBQ

i think i've mentioned kogi before on this blog, haven't i?? anyways, its the food truck that sells korean style tacos and burritos. muy delicioso :) so, i've been craving kogi for a while, since the last time i ate some was god knows when. で、金曜日の夜、やっと出会えましたぁ。the bf tipped me off that kogi was gonna be in the area so we went searching.

my family wanted to try it too so we had quite a bit to buy. we spot the truck and by the time we park and get to the truck, there's quite a bit in line. でも、まぁそんなにかからないだろうと思い、列に並ぶ。and then, a ball starts forming about halfway between us and the truck. stupid highschoolers are letting their friends cut in line so that the line at that sect was growing sideways. -__- 超迷惑。後ろももう既にメッチャ並んでるし、まだ開店しないし、イライラ。in the end, it took us 1.5 hours until we could get our orders in. bastards... 自分も高校生に時ってあんなんだったかなぁって思ったけど、絶対ない。

in the end, i got to eat a beef taco, pork taco, and chicken burrito. 美味しかった~。this was the first time i'd gotten a burrito but it was actually really good. fulfilling too. 満足でした。:D

Currently listening to: New World - w-inds.