Monday, September 12, 2011

Mochi Cream & ドジっこ

so the new dessert place in the Mitsuwa in Torrance finally opened. upon checking it out, the first thing i notice are the mochi creams. it's like mochi ice cream, but more variety and not frozen. とにかく種類がめちゃめちゃあるの。一個$1.80とまぁまぁなお値段。これは買ってみなくてはということで購入。i got the darjeeling, my mom got the red potato, and my sister got the caramel pudding. mine was the best, imo. my mom's was okay. i don't like caramel, so yea... でも、ホントおいしかった。ダージリンの香りが猛烈。サイズもちょうどイイ感じ。また違うのを試したなぁ。

oh, and i also fell yesterday. もう、それは豪快にすでーーーーんと。滑ったんですね。in my hallway. i was kinda running in my slippers and i guess there wasn't as much grip as i'd like it to have and bam, i'm on the floor. で、その拍子に部屋のドアに穴を開けちゃったみたい。馬鹿ですね。ひじもちょっぴりすりむいたし。but it's okay, it's a cheap door anyways. i still need to figure out how i'm gonna fix it tho...

Currently listening to: SO YOUNG - THE YELLOW MONKEYS

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