Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun Times

today was a fun day! :) got to hang out with the bestie for a bit. ウチは母親がうるさいからあんまり遊べないけど、母親が仕事だったからなにも言わずに遊びに行った。:P dude, i'm already 21, i really think i shouldn't be restricted that much... =_=

so we went out to Tasty Garden to grab some lunch. first time there but it was pretty darn good. hehe. 人が多かったけどね。後、ウェーターさんのやる気の無さが半端なかったしね。(笑)i understand that you're tired and all, but come on, be a bit more enthusiastic!

we talked about a bunch of different stuff. did you know that if you go to planned parenthood, they'll give you a years' worth of birth control pills for free?? すごいね~。タダだぜ。school, family, relationships, work, etc. etc. it was nice. although the restaurant was a bit loud... ま、でも中華って大体そうだからね。

afterwards, we went to the mall. ended up not buying anything cuz everything is so expensive. >.<

Currently listening to: まごころ - 超新星

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