Thursday, January 28, 2010

Roll House Sushi

last night, the roomie had a midterm until 7 so we decided to go out to eat for dinner. (it was her cooking day) で、当然の如くのようにお寿司に決まり!mainly cuz she had a coupon. lol. how cheap are we??

anyways, so we went to this place called Roll House Sushi in Santa Monica. it's located right by the 3rd St. Promenade on 4th St. tho. 結論から言うと、全然良くなかった。

first of all, the place is so dimly lit that its hard to even read the menu. -__- and then, despite the fact that there were only like 2 other customers besides us, it took forever for the food to come. on top of that, they mistook our order and the waitress was a bitch. 愛想もクソもない。

part of their menu

we had a $25 off $50 coupon. but the final bill came out to about $50. including the tax and 18% gratuity. あんなレベルの低いサービスに何で18%も払うのか理解できないけど、it was part of the coupon. *sigh* んで、結局割り勘。何で!?だって、私が料理当番で外食した日は私が全部払ったんだよ?だったら別に外食なんかしたくない。美味しくない上に高いし。馬鹿みたいじゃん。悲しい晩飯でした。

Currently listening to: 流れ星 - 中島美嘉

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