Monday, December 21, 2009

LADWP Festival of Lights

the family and i decided to go to the festival of lights up near griffith and the l.a. zoo. tonight, you could drive through it so since it's freezing out, we decided to give it a try. でも、、、思いの他めっちゃ混んでた!!it took nearly 3 hours to actually see the illuminations.

で、あんだけ待った、結構しょぼかった。去年も行ったけど、まったく変わっておらず、楽しくもなんともない。期待外れ。whatevers. it's really not worth waiting 3 hours for. maybe, if you're bored, you might want to give it a try? if you don't have to wait. ugh. i don't think i'm ever going back...

Currently listening to: Yeah! - Usher

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