Tuesday, October 20, 2009


してます。色々ありすぎて疲れた。finally finshed 2 of my midterms today. i think i did decent on both. just hoping that the second essay for my second midterm is okay. was kinda rushed for time.
my uncle's finally leaving this weekend. お母さんのイライラも少し収まるといいな。こっちまでイライラする。そんなに嫌なんだったら何で滞在を長引かせたのかわからない。whatever. it was nice seeing him again, regardless of all the crap i had to go through.
エッチしたい。これが一番ストレスかも、、、すっごい欲求不満。ugh. but nowhere to do it. can't at home. can't at the apartment. can't at his house. (don't even go there that often anymore....) i miss my baby... :(

仕事やめたい。けど、お金がない。頑張らねば。esp. since christmas is coming up. need to think of a present and お金ためないと。i know it's kinda early. but i need to start early. the bf isn't the easiest person to gift shop for. 何が欲しいですか?ま、勝手に調べるけど。

ugh. i've been eating wayyyy too much. seriously.... 何か、イライラすると食べる量が増える。ヤバイよね~。like yesterday, for lunch, i ate: 辛ラーメン、半チャーハン、フィッシュスティック8つ。i was so stuffed. yet, i still feel like pigging out. and i've already eaten quite a lot today: breakfast (2 breakfast sausages, scrambled eggs, 1 pancake), a piece of bread, bag of fritos, the lunch that i packed. 食べすぎだよね?and i still wanna pig out!?

Currently listening to: スーパースター☆ - SMAP

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