i really didn't feel like cooking last night. so i ended up just getting some pizza with the bf. 色々近所の評判を調べてみて、一番安定したレビューをもらったお店に決めた。the place is called That Pizza Place on Westwood Blvd. according to yelp, i think it got like 4 stars. not bad, right?

also, they have these awesome specials, like $10 large pizza or buy 1 large, get 1 free. そんなに食べないから$10で一つのlargeを取ることに。ついでにアペタイザーも。so, we ended up getting 1 large the works pizza (italian sausage, pepperoni, green peppers, olives, onions, and mushrooms) and the frito misto (breaded and fried zucchini, shrimp, and calamari) 全部で$20ちょっと。悪くないよね。量もそこそこあったし。
the pizza seemed really fresh. a lot of people complained about this too but i wish it were a bit crispier. but it was detrimental or anything. still pretty good. 揚げ物は結構おいしかった。サクッとあがってて。ソースが2種類付いてた。garlic ranch and marinara. the marinara was too sour for my liking but the ranch was delish :) 結局全部食べ切れなくて、あまっちゃった。それぐらい量が多い。i think it was definitely worth it.
Currently listening to: Cooler than Me - Mike Posner