昨日は色々と忙しい一日となった。i was supposed to work but got the day off since a friend of my bfs' needed a japanese translator for interviews that he was conducting at AX (Anime Expo). 元々は彼がやるはずだったんだけど、彼の仕事の都合もあり、急遽私がやることに。でも、通訳って結構難しいからキライなんだよね~。

anyways, so i met the writers and photographers at the Westin Bonaventure in downtown, because that was where the interviews were being held. we had a couple preliminary questions for some of the interviewees ready but due to some kind of mix up, we weren't assigned any interview times. ということで、キャンセルか no show 待ちに。結局午前中はBeni と Danny Chung のインタビューに成功。both these people knew english so i wasn't of any use. there was supposed to be an opening to interview RSP but delays emerged and we ended up not getting it...
for lunch, we walked across the street, where they had a couple of different options and i ended up getting greek food. 初体験です。食べてみようとは思ってたんだけど、中々食べる機会が無くて、、、i really wanted mexican food, but everyone else wanted greek so i just went with that. i got the gyro sandwich, which was beef and lamb with pita and a bit of veggies. まぁまぁだった。食べたことの無い味。アレがラムだったのかな?わかんない...but yea, i wouldn't mind trying it again.
午後からは結構忙しくなった。歌手のMay'n と漫画家で「Black Lagoon」の作者のヒロエ・レイさんと日本のDJの方を何人かインタビューした。緊張した~。but it wasn't as bad as i thought. it was only 15 minutes so yea. but it was kinda nerve wracking when the interviewer asked questions that i wasn't prepared for. ま、そんなにはなかったけど。overall it was fun. i got to know some of the guys i worked with and i did meet semi-famous people. haha. oh! and i got an autograph! so that was nice :)

after, we went back to my apartment and we ended up playing a bit of scrabble. i kicked his buttt. ♥ i've gotten significantly better. or maybe i had really good luck with my letters. whatever, i won!

で、久しぶりに映画を見に行った。ended up watching a late showing of "Get him to the Greek". it was quite funny, except that you really need to know the references. i'm sure i didn't even get half of them... and the bf complained about the british accent, whih i think is sexay~. hehe. 終わった頃はもう夜中。で今日は6時45分起き。疲れた~。(笑)
Currently listening to: Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
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