for dinner last night, we went to bento-ya in arcadia. 前に友達が Facebook で話してるの見て、気になってたので、行くことにしました。it was near downtown arcadia and looked a bit ghetto. メニューは色々あって、散々悩んだ挙句、から揚げ弁当とハンバーグとシュウマイコンボ弁当と牛丼。the total came out to a bit over $20. not bad, right?
when we got home and opened the bag, i was amazed at the amount of food they give you. から揚げなんて、溢れ出んばかりに詰めてあった。and it was actually really good too. especially the karaage and beef bowl. から揚げは超ジューシーで牛丼はヨシ牛よりうまかったです。また食べたいな。
and later that night, the bf and i decided to go out a bit for drinks with some friends so we opted to go to this place called Azteca. apparently, the bf had been there before and knew there was a pool table we could use. 一回50セントでできるやつ。楽しいよ♪ 結構下手だけどね。えへへ。everyone ordered beer and apparently it was buy one get one free so everyone got two. haha. i got a bud light. first time trying it. not bad. but i still don't like beer. drinking two beers gave me lots of burps. gross. ま、そんなこんなで楽しい夜でした!
Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry
when we got home and opened the bag, i was amazed at the amount of food they give you. から揚げなんて、溢れ出んばかりに詰めてあった。and it was actually really good too. especially the karaage and beef bowl. から揚げは超ジューシーで牛丼はヨシ牛よりうまかったです。また食べたいな。

Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry
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