yesterday, after cleaning the kitchen cabinets for a while, i went out to Jamba Juice with some friends. my friend was back from norcal for a couple days and i really wanted to hang out with her. 私含め計3人で近くにあるjamba juice まで。久しぶりに飲んだ。なにが好きだったか覚えてなかったから、注文するのに時間かかっちゃった。it was located inside a pavilions and we had $1 off coupons. but sadly, they said we couldn't use it there... darn. i ended up getting a mega mango. bit sour. decent. in the mean time, another one of my friends, who also happens to be my ex, showed up and we just sat around drinking, eating, and talking.

ひさしぶりな感じ。高校に戻ったみたいな?it was fun :) sadly, i couldn't stick around too long so we split after about a little less than an hour. i miss them.
で、夜は彼とゴルフの打ちっぱなしに行った。i think i did decent. had my bad times and good times. 何か、一回座ったら下手になり、また座ったらうまくなる。i need to have more steadiness. but i think i'm getting there. lol. で、めっちゃ遅い夜ご飯に。色々迷った挙句、Venice Beach にある、「はまかぜ」って言う居酒屋へ。居酒屋大好きだから。えへへ。dude, this place was sooooo good. didn't drink since it was really late, but yea, their food was gooooood. i had the dynamite, which was excellent, and so were their kick ass japanese fries. too bad they were more like wedges. i like skinny fries better. haha. ロールを一つ頼んだんだけど、今ひとつ?maybe a different roll would be better... で、竜田揚げ注文したけど、ちょっと揚げすぎ感が否めなかった。overall, loved the ambience, the waiter was pretty chill and nice, and the food was pretty good. この店、結構好きカモ。although i wish they'd have a bigger menu...

Currently listening to: 覇王樹 - 湘南乃風
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