finally got a new phone! haven't gotten a new one since i started college. long overdue for an upgrade. haha. so why not get the best, right?? so i got it. the motorola droid x. 初です。こういう携帯。いわゆるスマート・フォーン。it's freaking crazy. and super expensive. read the engadget review here.
so, i was able to find a good deal. $220 out the door. apparently, a lot of other places are doing mail-in rebats. メンドクサイし、税金かかるし。コッチのがいいよね~。so i bought it. but it took some looking around. the bf did it for me :) 結構売り切れが多くて、中々見つからなかったみたい。but yea, i was able to get one.
so now i have a data and text plan. finally getting a bit more modern. hehe. and the phone is pretty nice. kinda big but that means bigger screen so i guess that's something i need to compromise with. でも、どこでもネットが使えるし、色々なアプリを試すのは楽しいです♪ i really need to work on that swipe text feature tho. i'm so slow at typing...
Currently listening to: 桃色の方思い - 松浦亜弥
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