for a late lunch today, my dad took us out to Elite Restaurant in Monterey Park. 前にyelp!で見て、一度行ってみたかったんだよね~。ちょっと高いけど、おいしいって評判だったから。

we got there around 1:30-ish and there was still a line.. haha. but luckily, we only had to wait about 10 mins. inside, it was a lot smaller than expected. but what took me by surprise the most was the way to orde the dim sum. いつもはカーとで運ばれてるのを、見て注文するんだけど、ココはちがった。they give you a sheet to check off what you want. 要するには、本当の意味での注文式。ビックリ。the only image of dim sum i've ever had was the one with the carts so it really took me by surprise.
料理自体はすっごく美味しかった。i mean, it really is a bit pricey. but definitely worth it. i feel like they give you a bigger portion than most places so maybe it's justified?? で、今日はいろんな食の初体験をしましたぁ~。i had frog! omg, weird... it's kinda a mix of chicken and seafood/fish. 生臭かった。don't think i'll be eating that again. it was in the congee (which i love) that my dad got. oh, and i also tried shark's fin! フカヒレ初めて~。ちょっぴり感激。でも、ワンタンに入ってただけだから、あんまりなかった。couldn't really taste it much either. i guess for the price we paid, that's the best we can get... overall, the food was good! but bad service. got ignored dozens of times. -__- they should train their waiters better..
Currently listening to: あ~夏休み! - TUBE
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