yesterday, i had to go back to my hometown (i'm at school) for something emergency crap for my mom's work. so, i decided to just spend the rest of the day hanging out with the bf. (as opposed to working :D) で、ま、ついでだし、切りたかったら髪を切ることに。
my friend works as a beautician. so it was all good. 友達の家で切ることになって、先に彼が切ってもらった。短すぎるとブーブー文句を言う彼ですが、私は好きです。夏だし、いいじゃんね?plus, i like shorter hair. his is usually on the longer side. hyde looks very sexay with short hair too! で、私が次。結構切ったよ~。一番長いところで背中の真ん中まであったけど、肩よりちょっと長めに。and it's slightly layered at the front. and my friend styled it with curls too! 自分で言うのもなんだけど、結構かわいくなりましたぁ!えへ。but yea, i don't think i can style it like her so.... it's probably mostly gonna be straight.

kinda like this but minus the bangs
で、夜は彼の友達's と風来坊に。got some bits of food (焼き鳥、牛タン焼き、豆腐サラダ、から揚げ、エビチリ、等) and some drinks. i got a lemon-hi. やっぱり日本に比べると美味しくない。焼酎の味が強かった。i was gonna get another drink but all the guys finished so 断念. man, they eat so fast. saaaaddd... ま、また今度ね。
Currently listening to: BYE BYE - 加藤ミリヤ
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