今日はまたまたBBQ. haha. we had two in a row. it's bc my dad couldn't make it to yesterdays and we had food left over. so why not, right? お昼にやる予定だったんだけど、お父さんが遅くなったから、結局夕方からになっちゃった。朝からボウリングを4ゲームやって、夕方にバーベキューして、夜は花火。今日は忙しかった!
man, we had lots of food for the bbq. i just wish we had a bit more veggies. o well. オクラが超うまかった!オクラ大好きだから、超幸せ。えへへ。we had so much food that we had leftovers. but it'll all be gone by tomorrow :)

で、また夜は花火!we decided to go to the one at cerritos college. we got there a bit after 8:30 and sat down but man, this priest like guy kept droning on and on about Christianity. (no offense to the religious) 9時半になっても終わらないから、帰ることに。when we left the stadium, the way we came was closed off so we had to take a different route. bit confusing but we got it. and we stopped at one place that had a clear view of the stadium to see if the fireworks started. it didn't...
で、立ってたら、カートに乗った女の人が来て、ココはダメって言われた。something about liability issues with the fireworks. she tells us the way to our parking lot and off we start walking. then this security guy on a bicycle stops us and tells us we can't walk that way. by this time, a whole bunch of people have started coming out way. で、全員止められた。everyone was all pissy. lol. the security was like, "calm down. you don't have to do this." 馬鹿だよね?もう駐車場すぐソコなんだよ?通せば良いじゃん。but no. he ends up calling for backup. -__- so a police car comes and eventually, they let us through. 最初っからそうすればいいじゃん!ボケェェェェ!so, by the time we leave, it's 10. and right as we leave the parking lot, the fireworks start... lol. so we stop and watch. 結構色々なのがあって、キレイだった。ただ残念なのが、フィナーレはどうやら低かったようで、何も見えなかった...ドーーンって大きい音がしただけ。気になる~。

after, we went to the bfs house to do fireworks at his house. we were only able to do a little bit but it was fun! :)

Currently listening to: 夏祭り - Whiteberry
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