the greater part of last evening/night was spent doing repairs and such to the house. along with some cleaning that went along with that.
my sister put a hole in the wall by slamming the door against it. so my dad got to work patching the door-knob size hole. 借家だからさ、直さないと払わないといけなくなるから。しかも、多分結構な大金。ということで、自分たちで直すことに。my dad pretty much spent the rest of the day working on that and the drawer chest my sister broke. she seems to break a lot of things...

random. but gross. lol
anyways, the bf and i set about getting the tv stand we bought the other day up and ready so we could attach a tv to it. 作業的にはあまり難しくなかったけど、重い。(笑)plus, its glass so you have to be careful. next was the tv. 試行錯誤でしたね。でも、最後は彼がビシッと解説し、やっと、付けれることに。after that, we also set up another tv. so now we have two sony hd tvs in our house. hooray~!

で、今朝は燃えた家のキャビネットをきれいに。あんまりキレイにならない...どうしたもんですかね。ugh. so much to do and i am freaking tired...
Currently listening to: 桜の雨、いつか - 松たか子
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