Thursday, July 29, 2010
She's Out of My League
just finished watching it! it was so so. not as great as i expected. i mean, i've been wanting to see it for a while so there was a pretty high expectation. もっと面白かと思った。ま、別に面白くないという訳ではないけれど、今一パンチに欠けた。
the bf asked me if i would actually recommend this to someone and i wasn't too sure if i would so... i guess it wasn't so great. but it was a nice relaxation time. i finally finished writing my final paper that's due tomorrow for summer school. 時間掛かった~。でも、やっと終わったからゆっくり出来てよかった。ま、完全にダメな映画ではなかったからね。
one thing tho. do guys really shave down there? i mean, their testicles?? isn't it kinda difficult? the guy in the movie seemed to be having problems too... but he did say that it makes it look bigger so i guess there's a benefit? but yea, i hear quite a lot of guys do that nowadays. どうなんだろう??興味があります
Currently listening to: I Can't Stop my Love for You - 愛内里奈
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Jamba Juice and Hamakaze
yesterday, after cleaning the kitchen cabinets for a while, i went out to Jamba Juice with some friends. my friend was back from norcal for a couple days and i really wanted to hang out with her. 私含め計3人で近くにあるjamba juice まで。久しぶりに飲んだ。なにが好きだったか覚えてなかったから、注文するのに時間かかっちゃった。it was located inside a pavilions and we had $1 off coupons. but sadly, they said we couldn't use it there... darn. i ended up getting a mega mango. bit sour. decent. in the mean time, another one of my friends, who also happens to be my ex, showed up and we just sat around drinking, eating, and talking.
ひさしぶりな感じ。高校に戻ったみたいな?it was fun :) sadly, i couldn't stick around too long so we split after about a little less than an hour. i miss them.
で、夜は彼とゴルフの打ちっぱなしに行った。i think i did decent. had my bad times and good times. 何か、一回座ったら下手になり、また座ったらうまくなる。i need to have more steadiness. but i think i'm getting there. lol. で、めっちゃ遅い夜ご飯に。色々迷った挙句、Venice Beach にある、「はまかぜ」って言う居酒屋へ。居酒屋大好きだから。えへへ。dude, this place was sooooo good. didn't drink since it was really late, but yea, their food was gooooood. i had the dynamite, which was excellent, and so were their kick ass japanese fries. too bad they were more like wedges. i like skinny fries better. haha. ロールを一つ頼んだんだけど、今ひとつ?maybe a different roll would be better... で、竜田揚げ注文したけど、ちょっと揚げすぎ感が否めなかった。overall, loved the ambience, the waiter was pretty chill and nice, and the food was pretty good. この店、結構好きカモ。although i wish they'd have a bigger menu...
Currently listening to: 覇王樹 - 湘南乃風
Monday, July 26, 2010
Home... improvement? repairs??
the greater part of last evening/night was spent doing repairs and such to the house. along with some cleaning that went along with that.
my sister put a hole in the wall by slamming the door against it. so my dad got to work patching the door-knob size hole. 借家だからさ、直さないと払わないといけなくなるから。しかも、多分結構な大金。ということで、自分たちで直すことに。my dad pretty much spent the rest of the day working on that and the drawer chest my sister broke. she seems to break a lot of things...
random. but gross. lol
anyways, the bf and i set about getting the tv stand we bought the other day up and ready so we could attach a tv to it. 作業的にはあまり難しくなかったけど、重い。(笑)plus, its glass so you have to be careful. next was the tv. 試行錯誤でしたね。でも、最後は彼がビシッと解説し、やっと、付けれることに。after that, we also set up another tv. so now we have two sony hd tvs in our house. hooray~!
で、今朝は燃えた家のキャビネットをきれいに。あんまりキレイにならない...どうしたもんですかね。ugh. so much to do and i am freaking tired...
Currently listening to: 桜の雨、いつか - 松たか子
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Elite Restaurant
for a late lunch today, my dad took us out to Elite Restaurant in Monterey Park. 前にyelp!で見て、一度行ってみたかったんだよね~。ちょっと高いけど、おいしいって評判だったから。
we got there around 1:30-ish and there was still a line.. haha. but luckily, we only had to wait about 10 mins. inside, it was a lot smaller than expected. but what took me by surprise the most was the way to orde the dim sum. いつもはカーとで運ばれてるのを、見て注文するんだけど、ココはちがった。they give you a sheet to check off what you want. 要するには、本当の意味での注文式。ビックリ。the only image of dim sum i've ever had was the one with the carts so it really took me by surprise.
料理自体はすっごく美味しかった。i mean, it really is a bit pricey. but definitely worth it. i feel like they give you a bigger portion than most places so maybe it's justified?? で、今日はいろんな食の初体験をしましたぁ~。i had frog! omg, weird... it's kinda a mix of chicken and seafood/fish. 生臭かった。don't think i'll be eating that again. it was in the congee (which i love) that my dad got. oh, and i also tried shark's fin! フカヒレ初めて~。ちょっぴり感激。でも、ワンタンに入ってただけだから、あんまりなかった。couldn't really taste it much either. i guess for the price we paid, that's the best we can get... overall, the food was good! but bad service. got ignored dozens of times. -__- they should train their waiters better..
Currently listening to: あ~夏休み! - TUBE
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pacific Sales
went to the one in Cerritos today with the family. my mom is on a shopping rampage to replace stuff we lost in the fire. 正直言って、付き合わされるこっちのほうが疲れる。めっちゃ優柔不断。イイと思っても「もっと安いのがあるかも」って言って買わない。its soooo annoying.
anyways, this place was HUGE!! and they had a lot of stuff. from kitchen and bathroom ware to tvs and electonics. 色々あったね。見てまわるのが大変なくらい。we ended up buying a tv stand and a dvd player. でも、一時間近く見て回ってたと思う。だから買い物って嫌い。
Currently listening to: I'm a Genie in a Bottle - Christina Aguilera
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hair cut & 風来坊
yesterday, i had to go back to my hometown (i'm at school) for something emergency crap for my mom's work. so, i decided to just spend the rest of the day hanging out with the bf. (as opposed to working :D) で、ま、ついでだし、切りたかったら髪を切ることに。
my friend works as a beautician. so it was all good. 友達の家で切ることになって、先に彼が切ってもらった。短すぎるとブーブー文句を言う彼ですが、私は好きです。夏だし、いいじゃんね?plus, i like shorter hair. his is usually on the longer side. hyde looks very sexay with short hair too! で、私が次。結構切ったよ~。一番長いところで背中の真ん中まであったけど、肩よりちょっと長めに。and it's slightly layered at the front. and my friend styled it with curls too! 自分で言うのもなんだけど、結構かわいくなりましたぁ!えへ。but yea, i don't think i can style it like her so.... it's probably mostly gonna be straight.
kinda like this but minus the bangs
で、夜は彼の友達's と風来坊に。got some bits of food (焼き鳥、牛タン焼き、豆腐サラダ、から揚げ、エビチリ、等) and some drinks. i got a lemon-hi. やっぱり日本に比べると美味しくない。焼酎の味が強かった。i was gonna get another drink but all the guys finished so 断念. man, they eat so fast. saaaaddd... ま、また今度ね。
Currently listening to: BYE BYE - 加藤ミリヤ
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bento-Ya and Azteca
for dinner last night, we went to bento-ya in arcadia. 前に友達が Facebook で話してるの見て、気になってたので、行くことにしました。it was near downtown arcadia and looked a bit ghetto. メニューは色々あって、散々悩んだ挙句、から揚げ弁当とハンバーグとシュウマイコンボ弁当と牛丼。the total came out to a bit over $20. not bad, right?
when we got home and opened the bag, i was amazed at the amount of food they give you. から揚げなんて、溢れ出んばかりに詰めてあった。and it was actually really good too. especially the karaage and beef bowl. から揚げは超ジューシーで牛丼はヨシ牛よりうまかったです。また食べたいな。
and later that night, the bf and i decided to go out a bit for drinks with some friends so we opted to go to this place called Azteca. apparently, the bf had been there before and knew there was a pool table we could use. 一回50セントでできるやつ。楽しいよ♪ 結構下手だけどね。えへへ。everyone ordered beer and apparently it was buy one get one free so everyone got two. haha. i got a bud light. first time trying it. not bad. but i still don't like beer. drinking two beers gave me lots of burps. gross. ま、そんなこんなで楽しい夜でした!
Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry
when we got home and opened the bag, i was amazed at the amount of food they give you. から揚げなんて、溢れ出んばかりに詰めてあった。and it was actually really good too. especially the karaage and beef bowl. から揚げは超ジューシーで牛丼はヨシ牛よりうまかったです。また食べたいな。
and later that night, the bf and i decided to go out a bit for drinks with some friends so we opted to go to this place called Azteca. apparently, the bf had been there before and knew there was a pool table we could use. 一回50セントでできるやつ。楽しいよ♪ 結構下手だけどね。えへへ。everyone ordered beer and apparently it was buy one get one free so everyone got two. haha. i got a bud light. first time trying it. not bad. but i still don't like beer. drinking two beers gave me lots of burps. gross. ま、そんなこんなで楽しい夜でした!
Currently listening to: Period - Chemistry
Saturday, July 17, 2010
so today, my mom went to see this lady she knows. she's not really a psychic. well sorta...? i dunno. it's more like a counseling/help type thing. anyways, so she was kinda reading the future. and she did me too. あんまりして欲しくないんだけど。気にするから。で、ま、一応将来は安泰らしい。いいことですね。引っかかったのは恋愛の所。
she was right about me being kinda shy and all. and that i have very little experience in that field. でも、何か、結構遅い年齢で年の離れた人と結婚するんだって。i don't mind late. but, someone way older?? but, my bf is just a year younger. 全然ちゃうやんけ!and she says that i'll have a really important relationship in my late twenties and the current one is more like playtime. -_- ひどくありません?結構真剣に今の恋愛に取り組んでるんですけど。*sigh* i know i should just ignore it but... 気になる。。。
Currently listening to: ハッピー・サマー・ウエディング - モーニング娘。
Friday, July 16, 2010
最近結構お金つかっちゃった。携帯高かったし、今考えたら、紀伊国屋でめっちゃ使ってるし。マンガを大人買いしちゃいました。日本でも結構したんだけどね。叔父がびっくりしてました。(笑)but yea, when i want something, i really want it. and i'll most likely get it. unless its absurdly expesive.
で、最近大人買いしたマンガが、「コイバナ~恋せよ花火~」と「僕らはいつも」です。i got the first volume of koibana at book off. and got really into it. so got volume 2~9(?) at kinokuniya. だって、続き読みたいじゃん?で、前から書店で気になってた「僕らはいつも」が今日出版済みの全5巻があったので、即買い。so much money. haha. but i can't help it. and this is in addition to all the other manga i buy every week. cuz i have lots that are still continuing. hehe. needs to work and earn more!!
Currently listening to: 叙情詩 - L'Arc~en~Ciel
Droid X
finally got a new phone! haven't gotten a new one since i started college. long overdue for an upgrade. haha. so why not get the best, right?? so i got it. the motorola droid x. 初です。こういう携帯。いわゆるスマート・フォーン。it's freaking crazy. and super expensive. read the engadget review here.
so, i was able to find a good deal. $220 out the door. apparently, a lot of other places are doing mail-in rebats. メンドクサイし、税金かかるし。コッチのがいいよね~。so i bought it. but it took some looking around. the bf did it for me :) 結構売り切れが多くて、中々見つからなかったみたい。but yea, i was able to get one.
so now i have a data and text plan. finally getting a bit more modern. hehe. and the phone is pretty nice. kinda big but that means bigger screen so i guess that's something i need to compromise with. でも、どこでもネットが使えるし、色々なアプリを試すのは楽しいです♪ i really need to work on that swipe text feature tho. i'm so slow at typing...
Currently listening to: 桃色の方思い - 松浦亜弥
Thursday, July 15, 2010
this week was a painnnn. actually, just these past 2 days. 寝不足+疲れでかなりヤバイです。my professor pulled such an a**hole move. he gave us the midterm prompt on tuesday, and it's due today. 別にさ、家でやるんだからさ、提出を少し遅らせてくれたって良いじゃん。っていうかもっと早く出せよ。
ugh. it probably wouldn't have been that bad if it were a short assignment. but no. the thing is freaking 8 pages. つ~か~れ~た~。その上仕事もあるしさ。マジ勘弁。最近暑いし、苛々度さらにアップ。*sigh* life is tiring.
Currently listening to: トレイン・トレイン - ザ・ブルーハーツ
Monday, July 12, 2010
Pizza Night
tonight, the bf and i had pizza night at the apartment, which we haven't had in a while. ルームメイトがいない時しかできないからね。今日のメニューはいろいろありましたね。食べきれない程に。
we got avocado spring egg rolls from CPK (cuz i love those things) and a large thincrust the works pizza and bbq chicken wings from Papa Johns. 二人には多いよね。ま、そんなこんなで「爆笑!レッドシアター」を見ながら食べた。久しぶりの水入らずでしたね。it was fun. :) i wish life would always be this easy.
Currently listening to: fairyland - 浜崎あゆみ
Saturday, July 10, 2010
最近何年か前に彼に買ってもらったPSPにハマってます。maybe its because i have some time on my hands right now despite having school. but yea, its fun. and the bf gave me some fun games :)
中でも一番好きなのが「初音ミク Project DIVA」です。its a music game that pretty much tests your sense of rhythm. simple yet addicting. the songs are good too, which is a plus. and there are a lot of them. so i don't think i'll be finishing the game anytime soon. especially since i'm not good. ま、元々ゲームは得意分野ではないので、、、でも、今は楽しいでっす。♪
あと、「ぷよぷよ」ももらいましたぁ!前々から好きなゲームです。i'd play it a lot in japan when i visited my cousins because they had it on their computer. めっちゃ懐かしいです。あはは。子供の頃の思い出のゲームですね。あと、「Super Mario World」も!ゲームに熱中しそうです...
Currently listening to: その一秒スローモーション - 初音ミク
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sea Empress and Traffic
today, i had to drive all the way to torrance, to help out my mom. 久しぶりの運転。ま、嫌いじゃないけど、好きでもない。i like to be chauffeured. haha. ま、でも今回は運転してくれる人がいないので、仕方なく自分で。
the drive over wasn't so bad. not too much traffic. it's a pain that i need to take 4 different freeways tho... 乗り換え多すぎ。but its all good cuz we got to eat at Sea Empress for dinner. i've been craving some good chinese food for a while now so that made me happy. hehe. we got a lot of food for 3 people. jelly fish, sweet corn soup, fried tofu in brown sauce, shrimp satay, beef filet cantonese style, sea empress fried noodles, and dessert. めっちゃ多いでしょ??we practically took everything home. lol
man, the drive home was horrible. there was so much traffic trying to get onto the 710 from the 105. i guess they were doing construction by the merge area so everyone was going really slow. the back up was crazyy. 710に乗るまで15分くらいかかった。しかも、マージするところで入れてくれないバカがいるしね。ugh. mean people... but other than that area, there wasn't too much traffic. cuz i mean, it was around 9-ish.
Currently listening to: ポニーテールとシュシュ - AKB48
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
earrrrrrrrthquakeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! haha. haven't felt an earthquake in a while. 何か、最近ちょこまかあるみたいだけど、夜中とかで、家では弱いから、寝過ごしてるみたい。朝起きて、「え?地震あったっけ??」みたいな。(笑)i've always slept through earthquakes since i was little so i guess that's normal. hehe. but yea, i felt todays!
i just got back from work and was sitting, talking to my roommate when the building started sloooooowly moving. すっごくゆっくりに。we were like, 'earthquake??'. and then there were smaller rockings afterwards too. ま、あんまり強くなくてよかったね。although we are overdue for the big one, right? どうなるんだろう。最近は対地震ようにビルとかは建てられてるけど、、、本当にに大丈夫かな?崩壊したりするのかな?危ないよね??i still live some distance away from the ocean so i don't think tsunamis are a worry though... i hope. i mean, santa monica technically is right there...
Currently listening to: となりのトトロ - 井上あずみ
Sunday, July 4, 2010
BBQ and 花火
今日はまたまたBBQ. haha. we had two in a row. it's bc my dad couldn't make it to yesterdays and we had food left over. so why not, right? お昼にやる予定だったんだけど、お父さんが遅くなったから、結局夕方からになっちゃった。朝からボウリングを4ゲームやって、夕方にバーベキューして、夜は花火。今日は忙しかった!
man, we had lots of food for the bbq. i just wish we had a bit more veggies. o well. オクラが超うまかった!オクラ大好きだから、超幸せ。えへへ。we had so much food that we had leftovers. but it'll all be gone by tomorrow :)
で、また夜は花火!we decided to go to the one at cerritos college. we got there a bit after 8:30 and sat down but man, this priest like guy kept droning on and on about Christianity. (no offense to the religious) 9時半になっても終わらないから、帰ることに。when we left the stadium, the way we came was closed off so we had to take a different route. bit confusing but we got it. and we stopped at one place that had a clear view of the stadium to see if the fireworks started. it didn't...
で、立ってたら、カートに乗った女の人が来て、ココはダメって言われた。something about liability issues with the fireworks. she tells us the way to our parking lot and off we start walking. then this security guy on a bicycle stops us and tells us we can't walk that way. by this time, a whole bunch of people have started coming out way. で、全員止められた。everyone was all pissy. lol. the security was like, "calm down. you don't have to do this." 馬鹿だよね?もう駐車場すぐソコなんだよ?通せば良いじゃん。but no. he ends up calling for backup. -__- so a police car comes and eventually, they let us through. 最初っからそうすればいいじゃん!ボケェェェェ!so, by the time we leave, it's 10. and right as we leave the parking lot, the fireworks start... lol. so we stop and watch. 結構色々なのがあって、キレイだった。ただ残念なのが、フィナーレはどうやら低かったようで、何も見えなかった...ドーーンって大きい音がしただけ。気になる~。
after, we went to the bfs house to do fireworks at his house. we were only able to do a little bit but it was fun! :)
Currently listening to: 夏祭り - Whiteberry
Saturday, July 3, 2010
you know, i never knew that they had so many firework shows for Independence Day in America. i knew that there were those major ones that they show on tv, but i didn't know there were so many other smaller places that provided shows as well. 色々あるみたいね。有料なのと無料なのと。で、アメリカで花火大会にまだ言った事のない私は今夜彼と行ってきました~☆
先に家でバーベキューをして、夜8時半くらいに出た。9時に始まる予定だったのですが、近所の高校での打ち上げだから、ちょっと遅めに家を出た。それが裏目に出たね。we didn't think it'd be too crowded. boy were we wrong. the place was packed! they had a carnival going on so there were a lot of people there from a while back. so there was absolutely no parking. -__- the bf starts becoming irritating cuz he's mumbling about how he's not gonna make it in time. 別にちょっとぐらい遅れてもいいじゃん?でも、イヤなんだって。in the end, we find parking about 5 mins before 9. we somehow make it right on time.
we ended up watching it from a small park that was located right next to where they were launching the fireworks. man, it was LOUD! haha. 真隣だからね。でも、キレイだった!久しぶりに花火見た~(笑)man, some of them were so loud that the jungle gym we were leaning on was shaking. hehe. また来年も行きたいな!
Currently listening to: 花火 - aiko
Friday, July 2, 2010
Oumi Sasaya & Patisserie Chantilly
my mom and i went to the south bay area today to check out ikea for furnishing the house. まだ全然気が早いけどね。since we were already in the area, we decided to go eat at this udon place that my mom recently found. うどんは大好きだからすっごい楽しみだった~。
お店、「近江ささや」、に入るなり、かなりのイイ雰囲気。和のテイストがかなり強く、うどん屋さんにはピッタリな空間。its a really small place. most of the tables were taken when we walked in so we ended up sitting at the counter. メニューを見ると、結構種類がいろいろあって、充実してた。一番に目が留まったのは「海老と餅天ぶっかけうどん」。i love mochi tempura. so obviously, i ordered that. それと、お供にとろろご飯。とろろ大好きですから。my mom ordered their tokusei oyako don with a small udon. i must say, everything i ordered was absolutely deeeelish! お餅がすっごい美味しかった。海老のてんぷらも大きくて食べ応えあったし。梅肉が乗ってたから、揚げ物がついてた割りにはあっさりしてた。the oyako don was also really good. the chicken was fried but the pieces were huge and very tender. one of the best i've ever eaten. 卵もちょうどいいぐらいに半熟に。美味しかった~。お店を出て見つけたのが2件隣のケーキ屋さん。the place looked really clean and nice and since i love japanese cake, i decided to go inside. apparently, its pretty famous and has been introduced in a couple of magazines. "Patisserie Chantilly". ケーキの種類はそこそこあった。i ended up getting a strawberry cake for myself and a pudding for the bf. i also got 5 cream puffs. 3 chocolates and 2 custards. ケーキは思ったほど美味しくなかった。シュークリームが激うまでした~。seriously, those things were really delicious. また食べたいな~。
Currently listening to: 能動的三分間 - 東京事変
Thursday, July 1, 2010
昨日は色々と忙しい一日となった。i was supposed to work but got the day off since a friend of my bfs' needed a japanese translator for interviews that he was conducting at AX (Anime Expo). 元々は彼がやるはずだったんだけど、彼の仕事の都合もあり、急遽私がやることに。でも、通訳って結構難しいからキライなんだよね~。
anyways, so i met the writers and photographers at the Westin Bonaventure in downtown, because that was where the interviews were being held. we had a couple preliminary questions for some of the interviewees ready but due to some kind of mix up, we weren't assigned any interview times. ということで、キャンセルか no show 待ちに。結局午前中はBeni と Danny Chung のインタビューに成功。both these people knew english so i wasn't of any use. there was supposed to be an opening to interview RSP but delays emerged and we ended up not getting it...
for lunch, we walked across the street, where they had a couple of different options and i ended up getting greek food. 初体験です。食べてみようとは思ってたんだけど、中々食べる機会が無くて、、、i really wanted mexican food, but everyone else wanted greek so i just went with that. i got the gyro sandwich, which was beef and lamb with pita and a bit of veggies. まぁまぁだった。食べたことの無い味。アレがラムだったのかな?わかんない...but yea, i wouldn't mind trying it again.
午後からは結構忙しくなった。歌手のMay'n と漫画家で「Black Lagoon」の作者のヒロエ・レイさんと日本のDJの方を何人かインタビューした。緊張した~。but it wasn't as bad as i thought. it was only 15 minutes so yea. but it was kinda nerve wracking when the interviewer asked questions that i wasn't prepared for. ま、そんなにはなかったけど。overall it was fun. i got to know some of the guys i worked with and i did meet semi-famous people. haha. oh! and i got an autograph! so that was nice :)
夜は彼と合流して早めの夕食を「本多屋」で。we ordered a couple of different dishes and the bill came out to about $40 including tip. a bit expensive, considering what we ordered. oh well... after, we went back to my apartment and we ended up playing a bit of scrabble. i kicked his buttt. ♥ i've gotten significantly better. or maybe i had really good luck with my letters. whatever, i won!
で、久しぶりに映画を見に行った。ended up watching a late showing of "Get him to the Greek". it was quite funny, except that you really need to know the references. i'm sure i didn't even get half of them... and the bf complained about the british accent, whih i think is sexay~. hehe. 終わった頃はもう夜中。で今日は6時45分起き。疲れた~。(笑)
Currently listening to: Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
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