最近やたらルームメイトが気に触る。its just that the little things are starting to pile up. =__=
1. she NEVER does the dishes. like, ever. seriously. even on her cooking days. なぜ?分からん。いつも私がやる羽目に。she always acts like she's busy. but she always has time to do wii fit. i'm sure you could finish the dishes in the time it takes you to do wii fit.
2. she NEVER makes breakfast. 毎朝私が作ってます。彼女の分も。正直、しんどいんですけど。esp. on days that i start late. i could be sleeping in more but to be nice, i wake up just to make breakfast. ugh... she used to come home really early on mondays, when she stayed with her bf for the weekend and then, she used to make breakfast. nowadays, even that doesn't happen. マジで!?みたいな?たまに私より早く起きたときぐらい作ってよ!!!which brings us to our next point...
3. she NEVER wakes up when her alarm goes off. this is seriously annoying. she has that thing on snooze and it goes off like every 5 minutes. 何回鳴ってるだろう...たぶん、10回近く鳴らないと起きない。超迷惑。寝起き悪すぎ。
4. she also tends to sleep kinda late but sometimes, when we do go to bed at the same time, for some reason, she keeps talking to me even though i'm trying to go to sleep. I'M TRYING TO GO TO SLEEP!!!!!! what part of that does she not understand??? 理解不能なんですけど。i start barely responding but she doesn't seem to be getting the message..... honestly don't know what to do.
5. she CONSTANTLY complains about her family, esp. her sister. her sister is now attending our college and apparently, that's not sitting too well with her. -__- 知らんし。しょうがないじゃん。同じ学校に受かっちゃったんだから。but no, whenever her sister complains to her about stuff, it always comes to me. oh, and she complains a shitload about her mom too...
6. her dinner is ALWAYS instant stuff nowadays. frozen, premade, etc. こっちは担当日はちゃんと作ってるんだよ?何であんたはそんなんなん?i really wish she'd cook something decent for once...
well, that's some of my complaints. 愚痴ばっかでゴメンナサイ。
Currently listening to: BRAVE HEART feat. 西野カナ - NERDHEAD