Thursday, April 29, 2010


my cookings for this week:

1. 豚のしょうが焼き、マヨ風味とほうれん草のソテー。i don't think they match too well, since one is japanese food and the other is sorta more chinese-ish. but whatever. hehe.豚のしょうが焼きは初挑戦だったけど、以外とうまくできました。豚とたまねぎを醤油、みりん、酒、蜂蜜、しょうがのたれにつけて、焼いただけ。で、火が通ったら、マヨを足して、絡める。出来上がり!the spinach is relatively simple too. toss in some garlic into oil, and then put the spinach in. add some 紹興酒 and let it steam for a bit. as it gradually becomes softer, i add some salt and chicken bullion. in the end, i add a bit of starch to get the sauce a bit creamy.2. 牛細切れと野菜のオイスターソース炒め。this one is relatively simple. i chopped up some garlic, put that into some oil and added the meat. 野菜はしいたけ、春キャベツ、人参。once the meat was cooked, i took out the excessive oil and added the veggies to cook. flavored that with oyster sauce and soy sauce and some sesame oil to finish up.

Currently listening to: さよならメモリーズ - supercell

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


whoever knows me personally knows that i adore cats. have two of 'em back home :) すっごい猫好きです。犬も大好き。so, i found this site on digg, showing a bit of a life of a cat that was found and taken in by a photographer in Shanghai. tha's her down there, Utopia. such a cute name!! for more pics, click here!
Currently listening to: 虹色の戦争 - 世界の終わり


i woke up this morning feeling somewhat tired. didn't get a good night's rest, i guess. anyways, i walked into the hallway to get to the bathroom across the hall. along the way, i take a glance towards the living room and notice it's quite bright out there. 今日めっちゃ晴れてるやんなんて呑気なこと考えながら顔を洗った。

で、終わって朝ごはんを作りにリビングの方に向かったら、なんとびっくり、カーテンがあ~りませんじゃないですか。no wonder it was so bright when i woke up.... どんだけ寝ぼけてんだよって話ですね。(笑)the entire thing had just fallen off. i guess the nails became loose?? took me a couple of seconds to process it all. haha.

earlier in the morning, around 6, i woke up the noise of a crash. wasn't sure what it was but checked the clock anyways, hence the time. アパートの廊下の方から聞こえた気がしたから、大して気にもせずにまた寝た。今思えば、アレがカーテンだったのかも...

the roomie's reaction when she woke up: "What the...". haha, me too!

Currently listening to: ホントだよ - 柴咲コウ

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


最近お気に入りが「超新星」と「世界の終わり」。both may be kinda hard to tell but are group names, not songs. haha

超新星は韓国のグループ。踊って、歌えて、ラップができるらしい。で、最近よく聴くのが「LAST KISS」。it's a really sentimental song about the last kiss this guy has with his girlfriend. i'm a huge sucker for that kind of thing. haha. it's a really beautiful song. :) here's a link.
世界の終わりは結構最近デビューしたグループみたい。まだあんまりメジャーではないけど、結構イイ。their lyrics/songs are really interesting. i've heard two songs so far and they're both really good. 「幻の命」と「虹色の戦争」。歌詞が本当に心に残る感じ?plus, their melodies are also really nice. kinda retro and funky. check them out if you like that kind of stuff. here's a link.
Currently listening to: LAST KISS - 超新星


ever heard of it? its one of those random chat sites that connects you to a random somebody. it's really interesting and i know it's kinda old but i just got started on it. :)
ヒマなときとか、無性に誰かに話したくなった時は、最近良く利用する。since i'm not really good at doing face to face, this is great! i mean, it's just typing so i'm not fumbling around with my words. its not as intimidating, i guess.

結構面白い話相手が出てきたりするから楽しい。of course, there are those pervie guys looking around to just cyber with someone. but i've been lucky enough to avoid those. 同年代の人とあたるとうれしいよね。ガッコの話とか、将来に話とかで結構盛り上がる。楽しい♪

what's especially nice is that i've been getting a couple compliments :) (cuz it's usually guys that i talk to) i've gotten smart, easy to talk to, and fun. haha. あんま言われたことないから照れますね。course, they may be saying it just to make me feel good and then try cybering with me. but i disconnect before it goes that far so i'm not sure... but for now, i'll just think that they truly mean it :) (←超プラス思考 笑)
my bf, the one that introduced me, is such a douche. he pretends to be a girl and right as they start trying to cyber or whatever, he'd tell them he's a guy and disconnect. he takes pleasure in that.. -__- ま、相手も相手だから別にいいけどね。

so yea, that's what i've been doing in my spare time. if you haven't already, you may want to try it. it's really fun!

Currently listening to: 好きだから - ベッキー♯♪

Monday, April 26, 2010


you know, i didn't know it was officially called fellatio until not so long ago. it sounds kinda funky, doesn't it?? i think i'll stick with bj. the only reason i titled this post fellatio was because i thought it sounded a lot more sophisticated than bj. ちょっと間抜けな理由かもね。(笑)

大概の人はフェラをしてもらうのはスキだと思う。my question is, how many people actually like giving bjs? i hear that guys seem to like it. but what about girls?? for me, it really depends. on my mood. haha. for the most part, i'm fine. but every now and then, i am just not in the mood.
the other thing. deep throating. my guy seems to love that stuff. でも、やってるこっちの身にもなって欲しい。だって、息できないし。your gag-reflex seems to kick in, making it extremely difficult. i don't mind trying to go deep. but when the bf gets all excited and starts shoving my head down, it's kinda difficult. この前マジで死ぬかと思った。マジで息できないし、吐きそうになるし。大変。(笑)

i kinda still want some pointers as to how to be better at it so if anyone has some tips, feel free to comment! :)

Currently listening to: Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake

Italian food

yesterday, i went with my mom to listen to this presentation for a company called Mannatech. heard of it?? its one of those companies like Amway and Avon. anyways, the main reason i went was for the free food! :)
母の知り合いがマナテックやってて、その人の居候する家での集まりだった。ソコの家主の息子さんがかなりの腕前の料理好きだって言うから期待していってきました。the food was pretty good. they had a wide variety. apparently, the guy likes italian food so it was italian night. they had some chilled angel hair with garlic and basil sauce, shrimp and pasta in a tomato sauce, rotillis with olives in a lemon sauce, lasagna, garlic bread, salad, etc. 量はハンパなかったね。全部そこそこ美味しかったし。へへ。ものすごく食べ過ぎた。(笑)
i was looking forward to the dessert but it was a lemon cake so that was a bit depressing. i was thinking it'd be something like tiramisu. you know, cuz that's like THE italian dessert. but whatever. it's probably better that i didn't eat the dessert anyways. getting too fatty. although i did go golfing again afterwards. i'm getting better!! hooray!! :)

Currently listening to: Toxic - Britney Spears

Friday, April 23, 2010


so, i've decided to record some of my attempts at cooking, since i do it a lot during the week at the apartment.

first up: チキンのから揚げときのこの醤油バター炒め。i made the karaage by salt and peppering the chicken and adding a bit of soy sauce. i put the chicken in some flour and cooked it in a frying pan filled with oil slightly more than usual.
だから、あげてないから ヘルシー!みたいな?(笑)キノコは、シメジ、しいたけ、とえのきを使いました。i was thinking about using mushrooms too, but i thought it would be too much and wouldn't be able to finish all of it so i decided not to. it was still pretty good tho. i think i really like shimeji now. hahanext: 揚げ豆腐と青梗菜のひき肉餡かけ。this was wasn't that difficult to make. フライパンでたまねぎと豚挽き肉を砂糖、酒、醤油、みりんでいためて、中華風だしを入れてあんを作り、豆腐は片栗粉をまぶしてフライパンで焼き、青梗菜をフライパンで焼いて塩を少々振っただけ。それを皿に盛り付け、上から熱々のあんをかけるだけ。relatively simple. but a bit time consuming. but really good :)
so, thats about all my cooking this week. twas fun!! :)

Currently listening to: Snow White - 関ジャニ∞

Thursday, April 22, 2010


that time of month has started... ヤですねぇ~。on top of it all.... i forgot to bring a pad. 前回の時に使った、補充しとかないとと思いつつ先延ばしにしてたら、案の定忘れちゃった。今はトイレット・ペーパーで何とか保ってる状態。ugh. so grosssssss at least i'm not cramping so bad right now.

Currently listening to: The Saltwater City - Owlcity

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


最近やたらルームメイトが気に触る。its just that the little things are starting to pile up. =__=

1. she NEVER does the dishes. like, ever. seriously. even on her cooking days. なぜ?分からん。いつも私がやる羽目に。she always acts like she's busy. but she always has time to do wii fit. i'm sure you could finish the dishes in the time it takes you to do wii fit.

2. she NEVER makes breakfast. 毎朝私が作ってます。彼女の分も。正直、しんどいんですけど。esp. on days that i start late. i could be sleeping in more but to be nice, i wake up just to make breakfast. ugh... she used to come home really early on mondays, when she stayed with her bf for the weekend and then, she used to make breakfast. nowadays, even that doesn't happen. マジで!?みたいな?たまに私より早く起きたときぐらい作ってよ!!!which brings us to our next point...

3. she NEVER wakes up when her alarm goes off. this is seriously annoying. she has that thing on snooze and it goes off like every 5 minutes. 何回鳴ってるだろう...たぶん、10回近く鳴らないと起きない。超迷惑。寝起き悪すぎ。

4. she also tends to sleep kinda late but sometimes, when we do go to bed at the same time, for some reason, she keeps talking to me even though i'm trying to go to sleep. I'M TRYING TO GO TO SLEEP!!!!!! what part of that does she not understand??? 理解不能なんですけど。i start barely responding but she doesn't seem to be getting the message..... honestly don't know what to do.

5. she CONSTANTLY complains about her family, esp. her sister. her sister is now attending our college and apparently, that's not sitting too well with her. -__- 知らんし。しょうがないじゃん。同じ学校に受かっちゃったんだから。but no, whenever her sister complains to her about stuff, it always comes to me. oh, and she complains a shitload about her mom too...

6. her dinner is ALWAYS instant stuff nowadays. frozen, premade, etc. こっちは担当日はちゃんと作ってるんだよ?何であんたはそんなんなん?i really wish she'd cook something decent for once...

well, that's some of my complaints. 愚痴ばっかでゴメンナサイ。

Currently listening to: BRAVE HEART feat. 西野カナ - NERDHEAD

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

President Barack Obama

in case some of you didn't know, President Obama was in LA since yesterday, helping Senator Barbara Boxer fundraise. so last night, when he was moving, they shut down Wilshire right down the street from me. and it happened today again...

今朝は朝8時からの授業があるため、シャトルに乗るために7時半にアパートを出た。the moment i got out of the building, i noticed something was wrong. my tiny street was busy as heck and for some reason, there was a big blue bus. (the santa monica bus) i look down the street, and sure enough, wilshire is shut down. 何でだろうと思って、角まで出てみると、警察官がいて、どうやら今から大統領がココを通って空港まで行くらしい。so, obviously, no shuttle. everyone's wondering when this will be over, since they wouldn't even let pedestrians cross but all we get are i don't knows. -__-

で、ようやく、30分弱待って、大統領のお出まし。although people were grumbling about the road closures, the moment Obama's car passes through, everyone started cheering. lol. all i could see was the side of his face through tinted windows, but it was still exciting. haha. how often do you get a real glimpse of the president?? hehe.

anyways, after that, it was a mad rush to get to class. もうメッチャ早歩きした。おかげで水ぶくれができちゃった。痛いです。and on top of it all, class had actually started. -__- もう、本当に色々大変だった。

Currently listening to: STAY AWAY - L'Arc~en~Ciel


this weekend, the bf decided to give me a hickey on my neck. 首だよ!?目立つし。どうやって隠せばいいのか!?って感じだよ。the solution we came up with: a band-aid.

ま、あんまり効果的ではないけど、仕方がない。うちの猫に引っかかれたことにして、バンソーコーをペトッ。やっぱり微妙。anyways, for the most part, no one seems to really care too much. they seem to believe that i really did get scratched. its happened before, so i guess its not a big deal. ただ一人、核心を突かれた人が。ウチのダディ。he was asking me if it was a キスマーク。ドキって感じ。(笑)


で、今日、バンソーコーをめくってみた。cuz it kept bugging me. and then, it was all red and itchy. and the hickey felt raw and prickly. ugh. i decided to take it off. だから、今隠してないんだけど、バレないかちょっと心配。ドキドキ、ハラハラです。

Currently listening to: Can We Go Back -

Monday, April 19, 2010


so, the bf and i went out last night on a date night to watch, you guessed it! DATE NIGHT! starring Steve Carell and Tina Fey. (i hope i spelled those right....)

it was hilarious. so many sexual innuendos tho. でも、久しぶりに映画見に行ったから本当に楽しかった。ちょっとリアリティーに欠けるけど。as always, steve carell does a wonderful job. tina fey was really good too. and there were so many pretty big stars that had small roles. it was a big surprise. there was mark whalberg, mila kunis, james franco, leighton meester, etc. i really love leighton meester so it was a nice surprise seeing her in it.
映画にしては、ちょっと短いけど、ソレぐらいがちょうどいいと思う。最近の映画は長すぎるのが多いから。seriously hilarious and interesting. a must see :)

Currenty listening to: We Are! - 東方神起

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Kokekko is located in Little Tokyo and i've been there a couple times in the past. its a relatively small place but everything they serve is fresh and delicious. i usually like to get their skewers a la carte, but they also have sets. いろいろ食べれてどれもおいしかったのだけど、今回驚いたのが、ラーメンがあったこと。今まで何回か行ったことがあったけど、初めて知った。びっくりですね。:O
Currently listening to: I Was Born to Love You - QUEEN

Saturday, April 17, 2010


今日、家族でゴルフの打ちっぱなしに行った。めっちゃ久しぶりだったから結構楽しめた。plus, when i went before with my dad, i was still kinda small so i really had no clue what the heck i was doing. this time around, i was actually able to enjoy it more.

the bf is a total beginner, so i was teaching him what i know and what i had learned from my dad. 一応経験者である私だが、知識はあっても、全然プレイに反映されない悲しい人なのです。練習の時はまぁまぁなんですが、いざ、球を打つとなると、全然なのです。i really have bad eye hand coordination. so that makes things really difficult. haha. on the other hand, the bf seemed to make significant improvements. darn that bastard.

Currently listening to: RUNNER - 爆風スランプ

Sunday, April 11, 2010


久しぶりにボウリングに行った。今日は家族と。結構楽しかったけど、スコアがぼろぼろ。(笑)i'm not very good at bowling so in the two games that we did, i only got scores in the 70s... the bf broke 100 the second time tho. haha. how sad is that??

i found out that my mom had very good aim tho... she kept getting a lot of spares. no strikes tho. at least i got one!! haha. でも、後はもう本当にサイアクな点数だったね。だから、ストライクとっても、あんまり意味なかった...

Currently listening to: New Divide - Linkin Park

Saturday, April 10, 2010

NIWATTORI & L'Arc~en~Ciel

the family and i decided to go to torrance today and so for lunch, we decided to try out this restaurant, NIWATTORI. 変な名前だよね。にわっとり。あはは。

anyways, as you can tell by the name, it's a chicken based restaurant. (niwatori=chicken in japanese) ま、当然のことながら、メニューはほとんど鶏肉料理。結局、私は中華そば(鶏肉関係ねぇ...)と母がから揚げのドッカンねぎソースというのを頼み、分けることにした。the chuuka soba was essentially shoyu ramen. but it was goooooooddd. haha. it was a very simple ramen but the soup was very good. the noodles were also a nice firmness and their chashu was very good too. however, i think i liked the karaage better. ねぎが大盛り乗っていて、から揚げが絡めてあるソースはちょっと甘いけど、すごくさっぱりして美味しかった。なんといっても、ソースに絡まっていても、から揚げがカリッとしてるのがいいよね。美味でした!

oh, and i finally got my l'arc album!!!! wooooooooohooooooooo! waited nearly a month to get it. and it's still the limited edition one too!! hehe. i can watch the dvd now!!! すっごい楽しみ。久しぶりにCDなんか買った。高かった($60)けど、totally worth it. haha. 「QUADRINITY」早く聞きたいなぁ~。
Currently listening to: いばらの涙 - L'Arc~en~Ciel

Friday, April 9, 2010

Cafe Hiro

wanted to try something new for lunch today so we decided to go to Cafe Hiro in Cypress. i had learned about the place because the bf's sister had gone there and had pictures on facebook. from what i could tell, it looked deeeelicious :)

一応、日本の洋食カフェみたいなところみたいだったから、すごい楽しみだったの。そういう感じのところって大好き!(笑)so we get there around noon and the place is small, but not too crowded. we sit and look at the menu. it's a bit pricey for lunch but every dish sounded so delicious, it took me a while to choose. in the end, i got the sauteed spinach and uni pasta while the bf got the chicken cutlet.

最初にサラダが出てきた。ちょっと甘めでさっぱりしたドレッシング。私はスキだったね。the soup was vegetable cream soup. this was okay. ヘルシーだけど、ま、野菜の味が基本だよね。and finally, the pasta! it was soooo good. たまり醤油で味付けがしてあり、雲丹とほうれん草の相性が抜群。コクがあり、パスタがアルデンテだから食べ応えがある。very delicious. the bf said his katsu was good too. the chicken was very juicy and tender. i had a bit and it was! although he says the rice they give you is very little.

regardless, this was some very good food. definitely want to go back and this time, eat some dessert. i was going to take some to go but they said they can't do that. booo.

Currently listening to: SOMEDAY - EXILE

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Friends ♥

i really miss my friends from high school. i'm not good at keeping in contact and go mia A LOT. so it's rare nowadays to hang out with the crew and other people from high school/middle school. ま、皆結構遠い大学とか行って新しい友達もできてるしね。but i think we're all still pretty close. we hang out a lot when break comes rolling around and stuff. でも、ウチは親がうるさいから中々行けなくて...
last night, a friend from high school randomly came by to LA. he goes to irvine but i think he already finished school... んで、ま、高校からの奴ら5人ぐらいで集まってちょっとおしゃべりして Di Di Reese にクッキー買いに行ったの。the line was soooooo long. さすがっ!って感じ。when we finally did get down to munching, it was all that great. i mean, the taste is as awesome as ever, but it was a bit hard. i think the cookies were a bit old.. :( 残念。

but yea, hanging out with friends made those high school days very nostalgic. すごい昔にも感じ、ついこの間にも感じ。不思議な感じ。無邪気におしゃべりしたり悪ふざけしたりしてた頃がものすごく懐かしい。戻りたいけど、今ある幸せも大事。矛盾だらけで、胸がムカムカ。(笑)

Currently listening to: フレンズ - レベッカ

Monday, April 5, 2010

Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

that's a long title. anywhoo, saw that last night with the bf on the roku, a machine that plays instant streaming stuff from netflix and what not. (<- 便利だよね) it was a cute lovestory and all but a bit long. i really thought Norah was pretty but the bf thinks otherwise... and i really thought Trish was ougly but the bf once again thinks otherwise... -___- 男ってホントバカね。そして単純。
so, once again, the movie was unnecessarily long. seriously... like that one scene at the recording studio... was that really necessary? all they did there was i think Norah orgasming. 別にいらないし。思わん?and dude, it took forever to find fluffy. by the time they found them, it was dawn. ちょっとさすがに遅すぎじゃない?いくらなんでもそんな時間からやってたら、コンサート終わる頃には会社とか学校とかあるでしょ?って思った。

however, the story was quite interesting in some respects. not the typical lovestory so that was good. plus, the gay bandmates made it pretty darn funny. haha. gotta love 'em.

on the other hand, it was our 3 year anniversary yesterday!! :) 早いね~。もう3年だぜ。ウチの従兄は3年目で別れたらしいから気をつけないと。な~んちゃって。ウチらは大丈夫でっす!

Currently listening to: Love Story - Taylor Swift

Friday, April 2, 2010


もうアッという間に2010年も4月ですよ。早くないですか?ugh. it feels like new years was just a couple of days ago.... 今年は卒業できるのでしょうか...?考えるだけで頭が痛いです。

anyways, it's april 2nd. did anyone do anything for april fools?? 私は不気味なくらい、何もなかったです。引っかかる以前の問題ですね。平和ですなぁ。
yesterday, i saw 黒澤明's "Dreams". 寺尾聡が出てるヤツ。結構面白かった。不気味って言うか、滑稽というか。it was the first time i'd seen a kurosawa akira movie so i was very interested. took a while to digest everything but i'm glad i saw it. the photography was amazing. the stories were interesting. very good movie was fantastic storylines and well coordinated costumes and music. 後、もう一作みたいかも。黒澤監督の映画。any recommendations?

Currently listening to: Don't say "lazy" - けいおん!