お久ですっ!!カ・ラ・オ・ケ!but i finally got to go during my winter break. yeay~~~.
so, went to the max karaoke in little tokyo. too bad we missed happy hour tho, so it was a bit more expensive than expected. anywaysss, it was so much fun :) 男子3人と女子は私だけ。i wish more girls would come but whatever. that's what happens when your guy friends are single.
ま、超ぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅぅ楽しかったからいいけどね。omg, we did a couple of duet songs, (m-flo loves ___ and seamo feat. ___) and it was hilarious. since i'm the only girl, i was doing the girl parts of the parts i know. but the other guy doing the guy part was complaining that he doesn't know the guy parts too well. so.... 立場逆転、私が男、彼が女でチャレンジ!そしたら、あら、びっくり、君、女のパートウマイじゃん!みたいな?女の私としては悔しい。。。but yea, that guy can go pretty darn high. it was hysterical. もう、笑いすぎた。

Currently listening to: miss you - m-flo loves melody.&山本領平
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