so, this year, i was finally able to go to japan!! wooottt~~~. やっとだぜ。従兄たちにもめっちゃ久しぶりに会えたし。北海道にも行けたし。楽しかったな~。漫画もメッチャ買ったし(笑)seriously, i got a lot. andddd, most importantly, i got to eat some goooodd japanese food. haha. お小遣いもいっぱいもらったしね。always a good thing, right? esp. since i'm a poor college student. hehe.
and then, there was the fire. -____- 超大変だった。サイアク。新品のパソコンも破損。何とか皆無事だったけど、漫画とか色々なくなった。my yearbooks gone was really sad... で、その後がまた大変で!仮住まいを探したり、保険会社と交渉したり、ヤなことばっか。at least we're finally starting to settle. i guess.
so, it's the end of the year. and my friend is back from japan. spent some time hanging out with him and some other friends today. we had a 飲み会 at his place tonight. 紅白見ながら皆でワイワイ騒いで。両親迷惑だったろうな~。ごめんなさい!but yea, the friend was vomiting by around 11 so headed home and so now, i am celebrating the coming new year at home with the bf♥

Currently listening to: Numb - Linkin' Park
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